Some children grow up with parents who are actively and positively involved in their lives. These parents love their children, protect them, praise them, spend quality time with them, play with them, teach them, and help them deal with life’s struggles.

On the other hand, some unfortunate children grow up without their father’s compassionate love and care due to his untimely and untimely death.

Significator of father in astrology

sun significator of father

9th house/lord represents father

4th/10th house/lord indicates the longevity of the father.

Saturn is a natural significator of death.


The sun is severely afflicted/weakened/hammered by malefics, indicates a severe setback or premature death of the father.

· The Sun is located at 5º/9º in a cruel sign that indicates the premature death of the father.

· Sun and Saturn placed at 12 and weak/waning Moon at 7; the premature death of the father is indicated.

· Mars and the Sun placed together and aspected by Saturn indicates that the father will expire within a year of the native’s birth.

· Sun and Rahu posited the 8th of the lord of the 9th house without having associated/aspected for a benefit indicates early loss of the father.

· Sun at 7, Mars at 10 and Rahu at 12 the father’s longevity remains in doubt.

· Malefic planets placed in the 4th/6th/8th house from the ascendant/Sun indicate early loss of the father.

· The 10th house from the Ascendant/Sun is strongly afflicted indicating premature death of the father.

Weak G at 5 indicates severe problems facing the father.

The sun is placed in the ninth along with a malefic planet and the birth of the native is in the opening of Mahadasa. [major period] del Sol, the father will die early.

ninth house/lord

Rahu placed in the 9th, aspected by the parent Sun/Mars/Saturn will die within a few weeks of the native’s birth.

· Ketu located in the house 4/5/9, indicates the death of the father due to an incurable disease.

Rahu is posited in the 9th house, associated with an exalted planet, and the native born in the Mahadasa [major period] of that exalted planet, the early death of the father is possible.

· The location of the lord of 9 and Rahu is 6/8 of each other, and the native born in the Mahadasa opening of Rahu/lord of 9 indicates the premature death of the father.

Rahu/Ketu placed in the 9th house and the native was born in the opening Mahadasa of Rahu/Ketu, early loss of father is possible.

· Lord of 9 postulates in 9 along with Rahu and the native was born in Rahu’s Mahadasa opening, father will expire early.

house 4/10

10th house from Ascendant/Sun is strongly afflicted indicates premature death of father

· Malefic planets placed on 10/4/12 indicated early death of both parents.

· Mars placed at 10° in an imical sign, early loss of the father is possible.


· Saturn and Rahu placed at 12 and Moon weak/waning at 7 without the appearance of any benefit.

· Saturn in Ascendant, Mars in 7 and the Moon in 6, the father will expire before his time.

the posthumous child [born after the death of the father]

· Rahu, Saturn and Mars placed together in any house, native will born after the death of the father.

· Birth by day and the Sun is aspected by Mars or birth is at night and Venus is aspected by Mars, indicates the death of the father before the birth of the native.

· Sun and Venus placed in mobile signs and aspected/associated with Mars, native will born after the death of the father.

· Birth in daytime and Saturn and Mars placed together in a mobile sign, the father will die in another land before the native is born.

· Rahu, Venus and Saturn placed together in the 2nd house; the father will die before the birth of the native.

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