Here are some beauty tips and tricks that are unusual but extremely effective. Many of these involve common household items you’ll find in your pantry or refrigerator, making it an inexpensive alternative to taking care of your hair and skin.


Olive oil has many proven health benefits, but it can be great for both skin and hair. It can be used at night as a skin moisturizer and as a deep hair mask once a week. It can be mixed with sweet almond oil and coconut oil to treat dandruff. This can be done by massaging the mixture into your scalp for as many hours as possible before washing your hair; you will start to see a difference within the second application. As a bonus, this will also nourish your hair in a major way, because coconut oil has been shown to be one of the few oils that can actually penetrate the hair shaft. Sweet almond oil can also work as a wonderful nighttime hydrating facial. Vaseline is also a great nighttime moisturizer that surprisingly won’t clog pores and will give you hydrated skin in the morning. It is also good to nourish anywhere, from the feet, the hands; elbows and legs.

baking soda

Baking soda can be used to whiten teeth at home cheaply and effectively. By putting a little baking soda on your toothbrush along with your toothpaste, you can safely whiten your teeth at home for almost no cost. Baking soda is also said to be very good at fighting dandruff. The way to do this is to massage some baking soda into your scalp while you shampoo.

Parsley and Mint.

Parsley is very effective in combating blackheads. You should boil some parsley leaves and place them in a large pot of water, and then steam your face with a large towel for up to fifteen minutes; your blackheads will be much easier to remove. Parsley and mint are very good astringents that can close enlarged pores. To do this, you must make an infusion, let cool and use with cotton when necessary. This can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Other unusual tips

Toothpaste in small amounts has been proven to dry out pimples on your face and help them heal faster.

Grenadine juice is a very good astringent and toner that can also nourish the skin and speed healing.

Tomato juice is very helpful in achieving a great healthy glow on your skin quickly, so you don’t need to expose yourself to the sun’s harmful rays for a long time.

An egg white mask is a great way to tighten pores and even out skin tone.

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