Sex scenes in movies are usually romantic, sensual, and steamy. Sometimes they are a little awkward, sometimes funny or amusing, and sometimes a little disturbing. Then there are the scenes that are downright disgusting.

In honor of Universal Pictures’ The Change-up, which will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on January 23, these dirty sex scenes are exactly what we’re celebrating. In the film, Mitch (Ryan Reynolds) has a weekly date with Tatiana (Mircea Monroe), a 9-month-pregnant woman he apparently met in childbirth class. As charming as she is, the scene is anything but when she walks into the flat demanding wild animal sex.

Feeling so sorry for Dave (Jason Bateman), who is trapped in Mitch’s body at the moment of encounter, we decided to go back over the past two decades and relive other movies that made us wince, cringe and roll our eyes.

10. Harold and Kumar go to the White Castle, 2004

Kumar (Kal Penn) shows the world just how intense a love affair with drugs can be as he moans with pleasure during sex with a giant bag of weed. While seemingly every stoner’s dream comes true, it’s questionable how this asexual bag of weed is able to do so much without any real body parts.

9. American Pie, 1999

In one of the most classic scenes of sex with an inanimate object, we cringe when Jim (Jason Biggs) is caught by his father having sex with his mother’s freshly baked cake. He forever changed the meaning of warm apple pie and got us thinking about the similarities between baked goods and sex.

8. Jack Frost, 1996

Jim’s American Pie crush Shannon Elizabeth was previously crushed by a murderous snowman in this cult classic, most notable for her hilariously poor performance. Although intended as a terrifying rape scene, the result is a sordid sexual encounter between a snowman and a teenage girl. Besides the fact that Frosty looks like a giant marshmallow, the grossest part about her is probably that he’s poking her with his carrot nose.

7. Good Luck Chuck, 2007

Having women literally line up to sleep with you probably sounds like heaven to most men. Chuck (Dane Cook) learns that it can be the other way around when you do it with the kind of monsters who are more focused on praying to God the Savior than pleasing you, or have a George W. tattoo on top of their, um, bush.

6. Step Brothers, 2008

Dale (John C. Reilly) is caught off guard in the men’s room when his stepbrother’s wife goes berserk and demands sex. After jumping on the pieces of her and pushing back and forth in a way that oddly resembles a woodpecker, she tells him, “Stay golden, pony boy” before lifting a leg and peeing in the urinal. Dale thinks it’s awesome, and it is if you like fast sex and women who like men.

5. Team America: World Police, 2004

In this controversial sex scene (nine editions had to be shown to the Motion Picture Association of America before they approved it), we see puppets from every possible angle their plastic bodies allow. While their creepy smiles don’t change at all during the romp, their positions do change quite a bit: each one makes us wonder more and more what the hell we’re doing watching the dolls’ disturbing sex.

4. Hangover Part II, 2011

While we don’t actually see the sex scene between Stu (Ed Helms) and the Thai crossdresser he has emotional sex with while drunk, our imaginations are free to conjure up some pretty dirty images. What we get to see is Stu’s priceless reaction as ‘she’ reveals her private parts and he accepts the fact that he made love to a woman.

3. The Change, 2011

Dave (Jason Bateman), while trapped in Mitch’s (Ryan Reynolds) body, is seduced by a very pregnant and horny woman, who is waiting for her weekly sex session. She lunges at him, her massive bare belly leading the way, and attacks the disgusted Dave-as-Mitch. Yes, pregnant women are beautiful, but not when you can see their baby’s foot sticking out through her enlarged stomach. The next scene isn’t much better, as Mitch-as-Dave is aware of Dave’s naked wife taking a huge poop in the toilet.

2. Bad Santa Claus, 2003

Billy Bob Thornton shows us a side of Santa we never wanted to see when he engages in anal sex with a prostitute in his locker room at work. The scene pretty much destroys the visions we had as children of jolly old Saint Nicholas and sweet Mrs. Clause of him.

1.Kingpin, 1996

Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson) opts for icky sex with his landlady instead of paying rent. After sex, as he projectile-vomits into the toilet, she questions the relationship between good sex and good shit: “What is it about good sex that always makes me have to shit? I guess it’s all that pumping. Pumping.” And throw.’ That poetic.

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