If you don’t want to spend another penny on acne rosacea treatment, this may be the most important article you read today…

This is why:

I discovered a home remedy for acne that you already have in your house but that you may not know can be used to clear acne.

The best part: this has already done wonders for many who used it.

What I’m talking about?

It’s toothpaste!

Yes, the same toothpaste you use every day to brush your teeth can also be used as an effective acne rosacea treatment.

Why is that?

Simply because toothpaste contains powerful drying properties that can shrink, reduce and dry out pimples.

Which brand should I get?

It doesn’t really matter what brand you get, what matters is the type of toothpaste you get. There are two forms of toothpaste, the gel form and the paste form.

The form I recommend is the paste form because the drying property of the paste form is much more powerful. However, I don’t recommend getting the types that contain a lot of fluoride or bleaching ingredients.

This is because these ingredients can irritate the skin.

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to use toothpaste to treat acne:

  1. Wash your hands – Since you are going to be using your hands to apply toothpaste to the acne affected areas on your skin, it is important that your hands are clean and free of bacteria or you may worsen your acne condition.
  2. Wash your face, it is also very important that your face is clean. This way, the toothpaste will be more effective when you apply it. So wash your face with a cleanser to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup that might get in the way.
  3. Let your face dry: After washing your face, simply pat it dry with a soft towel and wait five minutes for it to dry completely. Your skin will be able to absorb the toothpaste more effectively when it is completely dry.
  4. Apply toothpaste – Now apply toothpaste only to the acne affected areas. I do not recommend that you apply it everywhere due to its drying effect, it can dry out your skin. Remember, you only want to dry your pimples and not your skin.
  5. Leave it on for 30 minutes: You should leave the toothpaste on for at least 30 minutes or until it dries completely on your skin. This is when the drying effect occurs and reduces the size of the pimples.
  6. Rinse with cold or lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 once a day.

By admin

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