Writing engaging copy that convinces search engine users to click on your ad is the best way to make money with pay-per-click advertising; however, your copy cannot alienate or anger your potential buyers. To break through the “noise” and capture the attention of a search engine user, you need to be creative with your advertising and stand out from the crowd. Many PPC fans (and even some experts) interpret this need for attention as a license to play on the viewer’s emotions. These advertisers incorporate outright lies, misleading claims, and shocking statements to try to grab the reader’s attention. Up to a point (and in certain advertising models like pay-per-impression), this approach is effective. When you’re trying to get attention and you’re simply paying for exposure, anything goes; however, lies, shock tactics and taunting will only take one PPC campaign so far.

Consider this for a moment: When you implement a PPC strategy to market your site, you literally pay a price for every person who clicks on your ad. If you encourage people to click by telling lies or by making them believe that they will get more by clicking on your ad, they will be disappointed when they land on your site and find that your promises mean very little. . Most people will leave immediately after discovering that they have been tricked or tricked into visiting your site, and will not return. If the people you pay to visit your site in hopes of making a sale leave angry, is it a good investment?

Grab your reader’s attention in other ways, like through clever copy and promises you can actually keep. Leave the jokes and lies to the rest while your site becomes the best!

By admin

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