Many people, even very experienced people, have trouble deriving time intervals from the Tarot. Suppose you have cards on the table that indicate that you, or a querent, will be facing a turbulent emotional time, in which you will need the support of your friends. You, or the querent, immediately ask, “When will this start?” and “How long will it last?”

How do you get the answers to these questions? My system will show you how.

I have a Tarot deck that I only use for tenses in addition to the decks that I use for readings, with unillustrated pips and Majors that don’t interest me much. You’re never really going to READ with this deck, so it’s best if it’s a deck that has no meaning to you. During the main read, if there’s a problem I want a time on, I close my eyes briefly and if I don’t hear my voice come out with a time interval, I’ll give the querent the time pad, get ask them to shuffle it briefly, and then cut it at the point where the deck wants to part (rarely in the middle). I’ll look at that card later.

I will start by describing the meaning of minors:-

1) The time intervals are planned in the speed of the suits.

Coins, like the Earth, move more slowly, so they represent YEARS.
Cups, like Water, is second slowest, slightly faster, making it MONTHS.
Swords as Air, it’s even faster, so it’s WEEKS.
Wands, like Fire, is the fastest and most energetic of all, which is why he is DAYS.

Aces through tens are that time interval multiplied by the face value (ie the two coins would be two years, the six wands would be six days).

The pages are eleven of the time unit, the Knights twelve, the Queens thirteen and the Kings fourteen. This already gives the deck a bit of overlap. (If I were using an ordinary deck instead of a Tarot deck, I’d make Jacks eleven, Queens twelve, and Kings thirteen.)

Rolling a major tells you this, and I often say exactly this to clients: “The Tarot doesn’t know how long it will last. It’s totally up to you. This card is about {name of the main issue on the card}; when that has been resolved and dealt with in your life, then and only then will it happen. If you want it to happen faster, then solve your problems related to this card faster.”


This method DOES NOT WORK if you simply draw a card from the rest of the deck that you already made the main spread with. It also has a history of occasional crashes if you use a second platform that is accused of being used for reads – it will keep trying to tell you things instead of just calculating times. Keep a completely separate cover, one you’ve never read about. I recommend very simple decks – the Marseille style decks are excellent.

Playing cards is also excellent, much better than the Tarot decks you really like or have used for readings, but beware of the court cards: the jack is 11, the queen is 12 and the king is 13. The only problem is that if timing REALLY depends entirely on you completing other important things first: let’s say, for example, that you’ll never meet the love of your life or get the perfect job until after you appear in court for all of our traffic violations or even for that old rape charge. and solve that, then a deck of cards won’t be able to tell you, but a deck of Tarot will, by presenting you with, say, the “Justice” card.

In short, the cards sync well, but not as well as single-purpose unillustrated Tarot decks that are only used for syncing.

By admin

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