Many parents find themselves in a difficult situation when it comes to training their young child; The most frequently asked question is about the right time to start potty training. People say that potty training girls is easier than achieving the same with boys, it may be true, but there are factors that need to be taken into account before making assumptions. The most important of all factors is that boys need to learn two tricks to use the toilet, one sitting down and the other to use the toilet standing up, however, girls need to learn only one method which certainly takes less time. Potty training your child is a time-consuming task, and she must be very sure that her son is ready for the task before beginning the process. If the timing is not right and she tries to push her son into training, then the step can definitely backfire and she will take more time than she likes or expects.

Children, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl, learn by imitating their parents or other family members, so it is important that you, as a mother, take the initiative and be the role model for your girl. Potty training is easier and when you let her watch the way you use the toilet and other things in the bathroom, she will try to imitate you and try to do exactly what you do. If you see signs of such imitations in your little girl, you can be sure that it is the right time to start potty training and make her comfortable using the toilet. According to several studies, the age of 18 to 20 months is considered the best to start potty training; however, there are no hard and fast rules for this, it all depends on your child’s readiness. The first thing you need to do is potty train your child and make her feel comfortable using the bathroom whenever she feels the need to urinate or go to the bathroom. You can get your little girl a toy potty and encourage her to sit on the seat from time to time throughout the day with or without diapers and then gradually move on to the next step of sitting on the seat without diapers or underwear.

In addition to encouraging your child to use the toy potty, it’s also important to watch for any visible signs in your child that give you a clue that he or she is having a bowel movement or wants to urinate. Whenever you see such signs, take your child to the bathroom and have her sit on the toilet and do it. Potty training girls can be exhausting and many times you may find yourself accidentally cleaning up the mess; however, don’t punish or reprimand your girl, as this will make her feel apprehensive about potty training, instead encourage her to communicate her needs to you and visit the bathroom. . Once you feel that your child has gained enough control over her bladder and her bowel movements during the day, you can begin potty training and using the bathroom at night.

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