Of the many types of surgeries that doctors dominate today, plastic surgery remains the most controversial. Due to the various ethical issues associated with cosmetic surgery, physicians have often been undecided about its usefulness. It can be considered a blessing or a curse for the human population because it carries the same number of advantages and disadvantages.

Reconstructive surgery is often considered better and more useful because it involves restoring the function of an organ in the body. It is a procedure that does not necessarily focus on the shape, that is, how visually attractive the organ will look once the operation is performed. The success of this type of surgery is evaluated on the basis of functionality rather than appearance. It is clearly a boon for victims of burns, accidents, or birth defects. People who suffer from them have no other alternative than reconstructive plastic surgery to be able to lead a normal life.

Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, has always been overshadowed by controversy. There are people who believe that the amount of effort, time, and resources spent solely on making someone more aesthetically pleasing is wasteful. People take undue advantage of technology to fulfill their whims and fantasies. The doctors themselves highly advise against it, but seeing the high demand, they have no choice but to deliver the desired results. Many people become obsessed with altering their appearance and undergo plastic surgery multiple times in their lives. It gives rise to a psychological disorder that ends fatally. This, which is most often seen among the rich and famous, can lead them to a state where their appearance becomes worse than it used to be.

Like anything of great power, plastic surgery also finds its advantages and disadvantages. It is the moral responsibility of all of society to control the misuse of this very important science.

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