Mast cell enterocolitis (entero=small intestine, colitis-colon + -itis=inflammation) is a relatively new term for a subset of irritable bowel syndrome in which an increase in mast cells is found in the intestine. Mast cells are a type of immune cell. They are present at low levels in everyone’s intestinal lining, as well as in many body tissues, particularly the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, where they are involved in allergic reactions. They are present in body tissues to fight infections, heal, and are also involved in regulating nerve signals. They have numerous granules that contain a variety of chemicals that are involved in body reactions, that is, chemical mediators. Histamine is one of the main chemical mediators in mast cells that are released when mast cells are activated. Mast cells are present in the lining or superficial intestinal mucosa in small numbers, except when there is exposure to parasites or other infectious agents, food allergies, increased stress, or the presence of other chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. When mast cells release histamine and other chemicals, this irritates or inflames the gut making it more permeable or leaky. This can set up a vicious cycle of pain and further intestinal lesions.


The most common symptoms of excess mast cells in the intestine are diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. However, constipation can occur due to intestinal paralysis. Nausea, vomiting, and various non-gastrointestinal symptoms such as hot flashes, headaches, and fatigue may also occur frequently. When histamine is released, it can cause increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut, increased or decreased intestinal contractions, increased secretions, and increased pain.


When you have an endoscopic procedure, your doctor may take tissue samples (biopsies) from the lining of your intestines. The tissue is then sent to a pathologist who looks at it under a microscope. Mast cells can be difficult to see in biopsies without special staining for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells. Mast cell enterocolitis is diagnosed when there are excess mast cells in the small intestine or colon. Usually a special request is needed to perform mast cell stains on biopsies and most doctors do not request these special stains thus missing the diagnosis.


There are medications that can reduce the effect or block the release of chemicals by mast cells. The most common are antihistamines, both type I and type I antihistamines. Type I antihistamines are normally used for allergy symptoms such as Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, etc. Type II antihistamines are also acid blockers like Zantac, Tagamet, and Pepcid. These antihistamines compete with histamine receptor cells to reduce symptoms. The most specific therapy for mast cell enterocolitis is one of two drugs that stabilize mast cells. The first is known as cromolyn sodium, commercially available in liquid form for oral use under the brand name Gastrocrom. It’s also available in other forms, including an over-the-counter eye drop for eye allergies. It is usually prescribed four times a day for about 4 to 6 months. The other oral drug requires formulation from a compounding pharmacy. it’s ketotifen. It is usually given in a dose of 1 to 2 mg orally twice a day for 4 to 6 months. Along with medications, you may benefit from allergy testing for the most common allergies, work to reduce or better cope with stress, and consider taking a probiotic supplement.

Copyright 2018 Dr. Scot M. Lewey, All Rights Reserved

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