“Knowing your own darkness is the best method of dealing with other people’s darkness.” Carl Jung

Over the years, as I have come to grips with my own hypersensitive nature, I find more and more highly sensitive people finding their way into my practice.

While each client is unique and each story is different, there are issues in the lives of HSPs that recur over and over again in my practice. If you feel you may be hypersensitive, you can benefit from some of the things I’ve discovered in working with hypersensitivity – my clients’ and mine!

Yes, it is possible to feel other people’s feelings; as a PAS, you are most likely subconsciously ‘tuning in’ to them all the time.

As HSP children, we are not always born to parents who know how to deal with this. They may be PAS themselves, but having to suppress their own sensitivities, especially their ‘undesirable’ feelings, they couldn’t help you deal with it.

When sensitive children are born to troubled parents (and they often are, more on that in the next article), they often begin to ‘tune in’ to their parents’ feelings from birth, unconsciously trying to assuage their parents’ bad feelings. parents, so your parents will be happy. As children, we don’t realize that this is not how it works. We want our parents to be at peace so we can be at peace. We want our parents to be happy so that we can be happy.

Worse still, when sensitive children are born into families where there is violence or emotional abuse, they will often try to act as ‘containers’ for the bad feelings they perceive in the environment.

While doing this, they will constantly be using their ‘psychic feelers’ to assess whether they are safe, a form of hyper-alertness also seen in those who suffer from PTSD.

Why hypersensitivities can they feel that danger is approaching (anger, violence, etc.) willpower they use these ‘psychic antennae’ to survive, which is a good thing at the time, but as they grow up, they start their own families and the danger disappears, they don’t turn off these psychic antennae. they are still survivor rather living.

So, as you grew up as a hypersensitive child, you may recognize one or more of these ‘symptoms’:

  • You feel responsible for the happiness of others, especially your own
  • You suffer from unexplained tiredness, especially after being in the company of other people
  • When your friends or relatives feel bad, you will spend hours talking on the phone with them, doing them small favors, anything to make them feel better, even if it tires and stresses you out.
  • You not only feel, but take on other people’s feelings and physical symptoms, such as stomach aches, headaches, stiff neck and shoulders, etc.

In my years of practicing past life therapy and inner child work, I have discovered that there is an important aspect of hypersensitivity, of being able to feel the emotions of others, that is almost never explained to us as we grow older. It’s so simple it’s mind blowing. When I tell my clients this, I can see them sit up and say, ‘Oh. Good. no one ever told me that.’ And then comes relief.

Do you want to know the secret to treat hypersensitivity? It’s very simple. And it’s not a secret. Here it is:

Just because you’re capable of feeling other people’s feelings doesn’t mean you’re responsible for those feelings.

Did I tell you it was simple?

Now please read it again. Let it sink in

When you find yourself feeling other people’s feelings, worrying about them, feeling them as bodily symptoms, remind yourself: just because I can feel they don’t mean I have to deal with them. Take a breath, gently release the other’s feelings with his breath, and let them flow to the ground, or release them into the hands of the other person’s guardian angel. Just don’t cling to them.

You don’t have to solve other people’s problems. In fact, it is learning to deal with these problems that helps them grow as human beings – taking people’s problems away from them would be really arrogant!

Now, knowing that this may not be a panacea for hypersensitivity issues, especially when your inner child has become dependent on solving other people’s crises for your sense of security or self-esteem.

If this is the case and you still find it difficult not to take responsibility for other people’s feelings, you might want to read my next article: Healing Your Inner Child!

By admin

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