People in a long-term relationship often wonder about this. “Does a long-term relationship kill romantic love?” And yes, very often it does. However, there are ways you can actually prevent it from happening.

The important thing here is that you have to keep that flame burning. Yes, I mean “you” have to. It has to be a conscious decision on your part. You have to realize that the llama is going to die if you don’t feed it constantly.

OK, so now you’re asking me how you should do it. Well, it is important that you plan a specific strategy of how you are going to do it. What are the steps you are going to take to keep the flame burning?

1. Make time for each other:

Very often it is all too easy to let the daily grind take up all your time. There is work, children, cooking and cleaning. At the end of the day, you’re done and all you want to do is lie in bed and SLEEP!

Well, that won’t work. You have to plan a specific schedule where you make time for each other on a regular basis. Set aside a certain time of day when you can just sit down, have a drink or cup of coffee, and talk. You have to stay connected and be a part of each other’s lives.

2. Take a night off:

This is part of the above, but it goes a little further. Be sure to set aside time for a “date” on a regular basis. Get a babysitter and get out there. Make it a formal “date” with all the trimmings, dinner, and more. Get dressed and spend the night as if you were going out for the first time in your life. Don’t talk about the kids or your job. Talk about the things you both enjoy and what drew you to each other in the first place.

3. Make an appointment to be intimate:

Yes. I know it sounds horrible, but if you don’t, exhaustion will prevent it from happening. It might be a good idea to combine it with the above as it will follow more naturally. Unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary to work on this. It feels all wrong, but you will see it pay off in the long run.

Now I’m going to venture into murky waters! Try and make your intimate moments very special. Don’t just do it and that’s it, if you know what I mean! Start working from the morning with small gestures and quick calls to tell each other that you love each other. I think you understand my idea.

So, I think if you’re wondering, “does a long-term relationship kill romantic love?” the answer is unfortunately yes, if you let it. However, there are things you can do to prevent it from happening. Like everything in life, a relationship is something you have to work on.

By admin

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