Dentists are people who can help ensure that your teeth last a lifetime. Just as you should take steps to make sure you take good care of other parts of your body, both inside and out, the same can be said for your teeth. The earlier in life you are taught the importance of caring for your teeth and gums, the better you can avoid problems such as cavities, dental plaque, erosion of tooth enamel, toothaches, and bad breath. You can prevent many oral problems from developing and/or getting worse by treating your teeth and gums with the tender loving care they deserve.

Dentists can teach you how to care for your teeth in terms of brushing and flossing. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year for an exam, x-rays, and a cleaning by a dental hygienist. If you have a serious problem with your teeth or gums, you may need to see your dentist more often, such as every three months.

Tooth decay is a common dental problem that occurs more often in children than adults, although adults can still get it. Cavities can occur anywhere on a tooth, although the most common places they develop include the chewing surface, between the teeth, or near the gum line. Tooth decay causes cavities and cavities need to be filled so they don’t get worse.

There are many things that can cause cavities. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar are offending. Pastries, candies, candies, cakes, and any sticky sweet food that can stick to the teeth can cause tooth decay. These foods contribute to the bacteria already on the teeth and lead to the development of plaque.

Bacteria found naturally on the surface of your teeth combine with the sugar in the food you eat to multiply. What this does is create acids that then eat away at the enamel on your teeth, causing cavities to develop.

The longer the bacteria have a chance to stay on the teeth, the more acid will be produced leading to cavities. This is why it is so important to brush and floss your teeth. If you have any questions about your oral health, your dentist will be the one to ask.

Saliva can be helpful in decreasing tooth decay. It can counteract some but not all of the effects caused by the acids produced by the bacteria. Within saliva there are some types of minerals that can do their part to repair tooth enamel. Foods such as apples and carrots, which need to be chewed long before swallowing, are essential in stimulating the action of saliva. This is not only healthy for the teeth but also for the gums. When you have less saliva than usual in your mouth and combine this with eating sugary foods, the potential for cavities increases. Talk to dentists today about all your oral health concerns.

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