Here is Burton Blunt’s review; a lot of people ask for this as this board is popular with snowboarders.

In general, beginners love this deck as it is progressive and forgiving. The following is a Burton saying about the Blunt: “Tank armor construction with pure freestyle artistry.”

Due to its affordable price and solid construction, the Burton Blunt is perfect for beginner and intermediate freestylers who practice most of their time in the park.
Burton also claims that you can drop off a 20-star handrail with no problem!

This is a skate style snowboard that now offers a wider stance width to provide more stability for medium width feet and all Freestylers. All pro snowboarders know that a wider waist width makes all the difference when landing hard and getting tech on the rails.

The core of the Burton Blunt is the Fly Core, which makes the board carry enough pop while remaining durable. Its negative core profile makes it more flexible in suitability for parking, rail, and pipe rides. The Twin-like shape offers versatility and additional pop taken from a directional shape plus a twin-inspired tail and tip for shifting and landing.

The Burton Blunt also features Biax React Fiberglass that drives the deck for low torsional flex and feel, making it perfect for taking new tricks to the next level.

Burton shipped this Blunt with a Lightspeed Vision base. This base is simple but has strength and speed while being easy to maintain for a smooth ride. As always, Burton takes the graphics as a very important factor. The design is a detail of the perfection of any professional work.

Many customers have reviewed Burton Blunt, they generally love the board. Few riders have cracked the board a bit in the tail and nose, they must have gone very badly with the board! With the Blunt you can kill the park and not your cash flow, but don’t drive down the street followed by a truck!

The Burton Blunt is definitely a great first board that is easy to pick up and turn with control. Light and strong at the same time, you will enjoy buttering it!

With your Burton Blunt, you should have soft boots and bindings that fit. For example, opt for the Burton Freestyle snowboard boots, which are copied by many snowboard brands.

If you buy or have already bought this deck, it would be great if you could leave a short comment here.

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