There is a big difference between the service life of commercial vehicle brake discs and passenger vehicle brake discs. Commercial vehicles spend much more time on the road and often carry heavier loads. Braking in this case will be more intense and brake repairs are often frequent.

Specifications for brake discs to be used in commercial vehicles must be adhered to to the letter. These specifications include:

  • Reduced wear and vibration: The materials used in the rotors must be stronger and resistant to wear, heat and friction. You may wonder why these parts are not installed in passenger or light vehicles. The reason is that they are larger and much heavier than standard brake disc models. Reduced wear and vibration is also successful due to its impeccably low tolerance level.

  • Heat Resistant – The specialized materials used to make these parts are technologically advanced. They can disperse the heat caused by friction more easily and evenly. Uniform dispersion also prevents the surface and shape from warping and cracking under high pressures.

  • Works Well With Power – Some commercial vehicles carry extremely heavy loads. You have to improve the braking because the momentum is much higher, which makes it difficult to brake. Brake discs must be strong enough to slow the vehicle without cracking or breaking under heavy weight.

  • Uniform Wear – Uneven wear is often caused by another component that is also uneven. It can also be due to a car overload. There are standard weights that the car can handle and anything over this limit could influence engine overload and uneven brake disc wear. Discs can always be skimmed, but skimming may decrease material quality and function.

Detecting problem discs is quick and easy. Here is a list of the different problems and what they look like:

  • Blue discs: At high temperatures, the disc will turn blue. Extremely high temperatures are caused by sudden stops and constant use of the brakes. The caliper should also be checked in case the problem is there.

  • Heat Check – Under intense pressure, heat and cold create a pattern that resembles stretch marks. They appear when rapid cooling occurs.

  • Cracks and Stains – They look uneven and uneven. They are caused by excessive heating. This can be avoided by applying the brakes correctly without stopping suddenly.

The brake discs should be checked periodically to maintain safe braking. Commercial vehicles must be maintained due to the pressure they experience. Additionally, time spent on the road could decrease the quality of many engine components and parts.

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