For various reasons, more and more people are choosing to be their own boss and work from home. For years, I had this dream of one day being the boss of my own company. It turned out that the company I was building and investing in was my own family. After being the CEO of a house for sixteen years with perks and benefits that paid me in hugs and kisses, I decided it was time to supplement the warm fluff with another opportunity that would pay me in dollars and cents. I am now a stay at home mom who also has a home business.

During the time I’ve been in business on my own, some work-from-home details have woken me up; and those revealing details I have compiled into my own delightful list of pros and cons. So here they are:

1. Family. If you’re a stay-at-home parent or have always wanted to be, working from home is more than the ideal situation. Being at home not only eliminates the need for day care, it also allows you to contribute financially while being available for your children. However, if your children are not in school all day and are no longer taking naps, working in the next room while they wait for their hour can create some extra pressure as you realize how much time is spent . just watching tv. Therefore, there must be a balance between work and family. This is where I really appreciate the freedom of the next point.

two. You set your work hours. Gone are the days when your morning ritual consists of pressing Snooze five times on your alarm clock before getting out of bed. Now you can wait for your kids, dog, or cat to rouse you from your peaceful slumber, or if you’re one of the lucky few, wake up at your own sweet moment. Being able to set your own work hours is especially appreciated if you are a parent. With getting the kids to and from school, activities, and appointments, there’s nothing to miss. However, there is a risk of overworking, hard as that may be to believe. “Just five more minutes,” you told yourself an hour ago, and even realizing how long you’ve been working, you STILL end up requiring five more minutes to get the job done.

3. Reduced costs. Working outside the home requires a lot of expenses, but by working from home these costs can be significantly reduced or eliminated altogether. You will no longer have to pay for child care, nor the additional expenses of fuel and maintenance of your vehicle. You don’t need to wear expensive business clothes that require dry cleaning, and you can save on those lunches with co-workers.

Four. Entertainment. Having worked away from home part time, there was nothing more frustrating than being assigned to a project all the time having to man the phones and the front desk. Being his own boss means she can regulate those pesky interruptions and finish the tasks she set out to do. However, this requires the skill of self-discipline, without which you will find yourself in worse chaos than before. Personal phone calls, outside dates, online chat, television, kids, and social networking sites like Facebook all have a way of diverting your attention from the tasks you’ve set out to accomplish. To minimize those distractions, you can: let your calls go to voicemail, turn off your chat programs, schedule appointments for the beginning or end of your workday, set rules with your kids, and stay off your favorite social sites until let more time pass. appropriate time.

5. So of course this leads to Discipline. The beauty of owning your business is that you make the rules; You run the show; You say how it goes: YOU are in charge. How cool is that! However, if you thought children were difficult to train, think again. You have just come face to face with the beast. He just chose to boss himself around and take himself seriously at the same time. Have fun with that. Now not only do you make the rules, but you can break them without much more than a little quick justification on your part. Working from home requires self-discipline. What used to be your employer’s role is now your responsibility, and that is to ensure the productivity of the business.

The honorable mentions are as follows:

No dress code. Wear whatever you want, whether it’s your pajamas, sweatpants with your favorite holey t-shirt, boxer shorts, jeans, or a full suit and tie. You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. No one will be watching you.

Portability. You can work from anywhere. Whether you’re at home, on the beach, or on the road, you can take your work with you. However, mere convenience usually means you’re taking your job Everywhere You go. As if he didn’t have enough baggage, his business also finds a way to accompany him. So be sure to create a balance in your schedule. Work only when it’s time to work and play when it’s time to play.

Face to face interaction. You are extrovert? Working from home will be challenging for those with social requirements. Being at home can feel isolating at times, which makes many people want to leave the house to go to work every day. Working from home will create many virtual relationships that can happily satisfy introverts, but make life miserable for those who need face-to-face interaction.

More tips for creating harmony working from home.

  • Design a separate office space if you can.
  • Create a practical schedule that fits work, family, and household chores.
  • Leave your house when you can clear your mind. A brisk walk outside or coffee with a friend may be all it takes to regain focus and motivation.
  • If so, delegate tasks to other members of your family.
  • Hire a babysitter from time to time to look after your young children while you’re stuck at the office.
  • Take the weekends off to enjoy with your family. They deserve your free time as much as you do.
  • You work hard! So enjoy the benefits of working from home.

If working from home makes sense to you and you think it will suit your personality and lifestyle, consider the above. Take the ups and downs and accept them with gratitude and appreciation. Believe that you deserve to be rewarded with the best that your home business has to offer, and your efforts to create them will come true.

smile and shine,

tina vanderbyl


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