In this technological age where everyone is constantly connected through tweets, status updates, and photos, there is the crushing weight of constantly comparing the seemingly perfect lives of those living in the virtual world with our own daily reality. In our logical brains, we know that it is irrational to assume that the people we see on Instagram with designer bags and 13k followers have perfectly flawless lives. But we are still immersed in this whirlwind of depression, anxiety and sadness caused by our constant comparison of our real lives with the supposed online profiles of others.

Here is the problem; We are in a time when technology has been deeply incorporated into our daily lives. From cell phones to tablets, we are constantly caught up in social media and the anxiety they cause. When you are constantly checking and rechecking what is happening online and losing focus in your real life, it is inevitable that you will start comparing yourself.

Your friends online are sharing the happiest moments of their lives. So the new baby your brother just had, the trip to Bali your friends from high school just took, the new house your boss just bought; you compare all those achievements in life with what is happening in your real life. Even if you don’t want any of those things, it’s almost impossible not to feel the anxiety that grows with each scroll.

But how do we get around this in a world of constant connection?


Before you log into your social media accounts in the morning, take a second to think about the good things that are happening in your own life. Be grateful and satisfied with what you have right now so that you don’t go online looking for validation of your happiness. Remember that the best moments are spent living and not publishing.

Social media detox

Detoxes are great because they are short, extreme ways to get all the junk out of your system. When it comes to social media, a detox can help you regroup and approach social media with a clearer mind. Just spend a day in your life, no selfies, no filters, no witty comments. Go for a walk, read a book, enjoy your day without the stress of social media. Don’t value a moment based on how many likes it gets.

Everything is a mirage

The first thing to understand about social media is that nothing is really what it seems. All photos, likes and statuses are a small piece of a big puzzle that you can’t see. That new car your college roommate just bought and passed on about won’t include the tears, loans, and savings you had to make to get there. Understand that for every magical, perfectly posed image on social media, there are at least 50 not-so-perfect moments that were instantly erased.

Comparison on social media is a trap that can throw you into a realm of depression, sadness, and anxiety. Practice gratitude, set up a monthly detox, and understand that not everything online is what it seems and you’ll be fine.

By admin

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