You are excited to change your lifestyle. That’s great.

As such, you’re probably wondering what the best type of exercise is for substantial weight loss.

You want to get going and lose those pounds fast.

Well, based on everything I’ve heard on the subject, it really doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do, any and all of it is beneficial for you, your mental state, and your health.

Of course, certain types of exercise contribute in different ways to your health.

Let me go over the most popular ones, cardio and weight training.

Cardio is awesome for cardiovascular health.

Basically, it makes your heart and blood vessels stronger and more resilient.

This means that you could essentially handle more stress on your body, which means you can train harder and run faster.

Cardio is awesome if you’re training for a marathon or just want to feel better about everyday stressors like traffic and work.

It’s also great if you’re stressed out and want to calm down and cool down your squirts for a bit.

A good walk around the neighborhood is great for anyone to relax.

On the other hand, there is weight training.

Weight training is essentially about building strength and muscle. It can also help with cardiovascular health, but not to the degree of running on a treadmill.

Basically, weight training is an amazing physique-building exercise, if you’re worried about that sort of thing.

Another extremely nice benefit of weight training is the simple fact that more muscle demands more energy, therefore increasing your metabolism and burning more fat.

So yes, while weight training is used to build your physique, it’s also extremely beneficial when you’re trying to lose weight.

Some people (women in particular) are concerned about building too much bulk when they weight train, and from all I’ve learned, it’s basically not a problem for women, as their bodies are built differently.

Unless you’re on steroids, bulking shouldn’t be something to worry about. All it really does is tighten and firm things up a bit and I’m sure a lot of women want that.

Men, on the other hand, only need to worry about volume when they are strength training and building more and more muscle using more and more weight. In all honesty, I don’t know many men who are worried about looking too bulky.

So, in summary, what is the best exercise to lose weight? They are all beneficial but each has its own benefits; cardio for cardiovascular health and weights for strength, fat loss and firming.

By admin

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