A squat toilet is the type of toilet you may encounter when visiting an Asian country. Instead of sitting down like on a traditional American toilet, one bends down to use the toilet.

A test was conducted due to the hypothesis that seated toilets can cause hemorrhoid problems. The idea is that when you sit down all the weight is placed on the rectal area putting all kinds of pressure on the veins. When one uses the bathroom with this extra weight and blood in the area, hemorrhoids can form.

During this study, most of the test subjects’ hemorrhoid problems cleared up and remained when they used a squatting toilet instead of sitting down, so the claims have some validity.

If you don’t want to take your toilets apart and replace them with something else, you can still take the concept behind why squatting is better, the reduction of pressure in the rectal area.

When using the restaurant, never push too hard. It is better to keep the pressure out of the box.

Do not sit on the toilet for long. This could be part of why squat toilets are worse because you could start reading a magazine and lose track of time putting all kinds of pressure on your rectal area. Come in, do your business and get out.

Weight can increase the problem. For example, as women get longer in their pregnancies, many develop problems with hemorrhoids. Part of this is due to hormonal changes, but another part is related to weight. Those who weigh more tend to have more hemorrhoid problems. Weight reduction can help with the condition.

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