siamese algae eaters, Crossocheilus siamensisbelong to the family cyprinids more commonly known as the carp family. These bottom-dwelling algae eaters are not to be confused with the Chinese algae eater or Plecostomus, two other varieties of algae eaters popular with freshwater aquarium owners. The Siamese algae eater is indigenous to the main lands of Southeast Asia, including the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins. They inhabit streams and rivers and will range into the flooded lowland jungle areas of the Malay Peninsula during the rainy season.

This species is a medium-sized member of the carp family. These fish generally reach a maximum adult length of 6 inches in an aquarium. They have slender, torpedo-shaped bodies with transparent fins. These fish have silvery color palettes with a single horizontal stripe that starts in front of their eyes and ends at the base of their tail fin. Siamese algae eaters have a double set of barbels. Barbels are a distinctive feature of the carp family. Siamese algae eaters are also marketed under the aquarium trade names Indian algae eater, Siamese headbreather, sucker loach, sucking loach, and biforada carp.

These fish are great additions to a community tank. They have peaceful temperaments and are quite often unaware of the activities of the fish in the upper levels of their tank. However, they should not be housed with fish with long, floating fins such as angelfish and bettas. They are reputable end pliers. Unlike many bottom-dwelling species, the Siamese algae eater shows no signs of territorial aggression toward conspecifics. Multiples will go to school together in home aquariums. In fact, it is recommended that these fish be raised in schools. They have a particular affinity for broad-leaved aquarium plants and are often found resting on them, especially when younger. Adult fish are more likely to rest on the aquarium substrate. These fish will require a minimum tank size of 25 gallons. The average lifespan of a Siamese Algae Eater is 5 to 7 years, but it has been documented to live up to 10 years.

Siamese algae eaters are technically omnivorous, but they do lean quite a bit towards the herbivorous side of the spectrum. Algae growth in your aquarium alone will not provide an adequate food source. Sinking food wafers and seaweed pellets or dried seaweed sheets will help ensure they get enough nourishment to stay healthy and vigorous. Siamese algae eaters will easily nibble on green leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach. These are great complementary food items.

This is a hardy species that can adapt to a multitude of living conditions. However, it is prudent to provide what would be considered premium water parameters for this species. These fish thrive in softer waters with a neutral or slightly acidic pH factor. A pH level anywhere in the range of 5.5 to 8.0 is considered ideal. They prefer water temperatures between 75-79F. Well-circulated water with plenty of flow and high oxygen content will simulate its natural habitat.

Males and females of this species look very similar in appearance. Females tend to be slightly more rounded than males. This species rarely breeds in home aquariums. There appears to be no information available on whether or not these fish are farmed commercially to meet the demand created by the hobby fish trade, which would tend to indicate that they are not.

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