I don’t remember the name of my sixth grade teacher, but it was my favorite year in school. As a new student, this could have been scary, but I looked forward to every day in our classroom.

This teacher was so creative, there were no disciplinary fights that I can remember. I don’t know if teachers today are allowed to bring outdoor furniture, but I’m glad we were able to enjoy it back then (1976).

At the time, there were lockers in the classroom that prevented disruption in the hallways. The classrooms also had their own toilets, which also prevented unsupervised problems.

We don’t use desks. We were organized by table groups. Each thing in the group a name. The tables were made from large round wooden cable coils just the right size. Each had a carpet lining around the spool and bottom. Decorative contact paper lined on top surface.

Each group was given their own bulletin board to decorate. We had weekly contests. At Christmas my table won the citizenship award and our prize was a huge candy cane log. They gave us hammers to break it so we could share it.

I don’t remember any specific lessons, but back then we didn’t use iPads or computers. The teachers did the teaching. Today, when I override teaching, the lesson plan usually consists of a note that students will be logged in on their iPad and they’ll already know what to do. They do it for eight hours. There is no interaction. I guess the day is different when the real teacher is around, but the iPad seems to be the substitute lesson plan.

I was very shy as a child but once I got to my new school, I started to shine. I started winning singing roles, won poster and talent contests, citizenship awards, and developed friendships. I volunteered in the special education classroom.

When I read stories of inner-city low-income school challenges, I think that’s where I came from before there was a name for it. I know that teachers have to use classroom management, but I don’t think the answer has to be total silence with perfect students.

With the creativity, engagement, and empowerment of students to be included in creating their environment, the classroom can be a daily adventure to look forward to. Imagine what school would be like if students were excited about it? I guess I’d better get that certification if I want to put that creativity to work.

By admin

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