No matter what your age or skin type, regular exfoliation will improve the look and feel of your skin. Exfoliation deep cleans to remove dead skin cells that clog pores and make skin look dull.

The top layer of the skin, called the epidermis, naturally renews itself every 28 days. If you are between 15 and 25 years old, your skin renews itself every 20 days. As a result, dead skin cells are left behind which make your skin look dull. If you have dry skin, try to correct the moisture imbalance by making more natural oil and those oils combine with dry skin flakes to clog pores. If your skin is oily, excess oil and toxins build up on the surface and clog your pores.

Exposure to things like pollution and UV rays can also cause your pores to become clogged. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and allows your skin to breathe naturally for a healthier complexion.

To exfoliate, first use a mild, astringent cleanser to remove all traces of surface oil and makeup, and pat your face dry with a soft towel made from natural fibers. Now you are ready to exfoliate. One way to do this is to apply a gentle pearl scrub and use your fingers in circular motions for about three minutes. There are also special exfoliating sponges, cloths, and loofahs to help remove dead skin cells.

Exfoliation can also be achieved through the use of a clay or peel-off mask, which is usually left on for about ten minutes. After the designated time has passed, rinse or remove the exfoliating agent completely, dry your skin completely, and be sure to apply a moisturizer.

You should gently exfoliate your face twice a week to keep it glowing and fresh. However, don’t exfoliate your skin more often because it can result in cracked skin and broken capillaries below the surface. You can even use natural ingredients to exfoliate your skin. Witch hazel is an excellent astringent and a combination of honey and oatmeal can be used to exfoliate dead skin cells.

No matter what your skin type or age, exfoliation will dramatically improve the appearance of your skin.

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