Don’t we hate the guy who learns to succeed in life by tearing others down?

We’d like to think they’ll get their karma, and I think they will. Because people who really learn to succeed in life know that when you learn to help others, you help yourself.

And because I’m committed to helping you, I’ve outlined three steps here to help you learn how to succeed in life…

1 – Start with the right thought to achieve success in life.

You may have heard before that the “mindset thing” is everything. Forks. You have to believe in yourself, and here’s why: Suppose you have a real estate business and you keep thinking, “I’m wasting my time with this guy, he’ll never buy.” If that’s your attitude, you’re right! As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way, you’re right.”

Psychologists have shown that the mind stores an image of the way we think we are, and that image is acted upon, either consciously or unconsciously, and we begin to change based on our beliefs in ourselves.

The human body has also been shown to consist of a completely different composition, brain cells and all, after seven years. Choose your thoughts carefully and don’t let your thoughts control you. Because it is your thoughts that dictate your decisions, and your decisions dictate your actions.

I’m not saying that you need to “fool yourself” into a different way of thinking just to learn how to succeed in life…

Start with what you have. You’re good at a few things, so all you have to do is build on that. And this brings me to step two…

2 – Commit to strive to achieve success in life.

I recently heard that you know that you are beginning to learn how to succeed in life when your comfort zone becomes uncomfortable. You are no longer happy working in your cubicle at work and you want something more.

Keep focusing on that and ask yourself what you can do to learn to be better at what you do. And, at first, this appears to be a risk. We all resist change, even if it’s for the better.

For example, a study was done on Macy’s employees to advance to management. At first, Macy’s was hiring outsiders with college degrees to be managers.

The employees joined the union to protest this because they felt, and rightly so, that the people who already work at Macy’s should have this opportunity. So they agreed, and this is what they did: They offered a training program that people could go through to learn management skills.

This would give them a chance to improve in their field without going to college and could also secure them a managerial position. Great idea, right?

You’d think so… but guess how many people out of 100 employees benefited from the deal? Only three out of a hundred!

And that really tallies with the statistics of those who achieve success in life… Out of 100 people, only 3% find their way to financial independence, while 42% find a way to successfully earn a living. working all their lives and at the mercy of someone paying them for their services.

And that leaves, yes, of course, 55% of every hundred people find themselves broke or in debt after the age of 65! I don’t know about you, but this was a real wake up call for me as I am now approaching 60!

3 – Be happy with yourself and build the “new evolved you” around something you really enjoy doing.

A wise man once said that the way to become a millionaire is to find a way to make money doing something you love to do. I would like to take this one step further and say that when you can find a way to guide others to success in life, then you have more than just “success in life”…you have found true happiness.

We all change based on just two things: we are trying to get pleasure or resist pain. And here is the dilemma; We started a business because we are motivated to learn how to be successful in life and have high hopes for financial success. But then fear appears when we try to get out of our comfort zone. Unfortunately, fear is a greater motivator than pleasure.

That’s why so many people who have learned how to succeed in life came from a place of destitution, and were motivated by fear to step out of their comfort zone and stretch. I would like to encourage you to put your fears on a shelf and admit that the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. In fact, it really all comes down to how you communicate with yourself.

For example, there are three people that come to mind who DID NOT let fear of failure get in the way of their success in life…

There’s Babe Ruth, known not only as the “home run king” but also as the “strikeout king” because he struck out more times than any other baseball player in history. And there’s Michael Jordan, who wasn’t even accepted to his own high school basketball team…

…and Sylvester Stallone, who was born defective and had to lose everything he owned and turn down thousands of dollars to sell his Rocky story, just to convince the producers to let him play the lead.

Maybe you just don’t know what you want to do and your “why power” just isn’t there yet. In this case, it might help to think about what you really hate doing, and then take the opposite and build on that dream.

By admin

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