In order to keep your superworm larvae happy and healthy, you need to meet a short list of requirements.

First, you need a dark, leak-proof container. The use of an aquarium to house their larvae is not recommended for several reasons. There is too much wasted space in an aquarium. You might consider keeping more Super Worms in a deeper substrate to take advantage of the available height. This is not a good idea as the thicker the substrate and superworm layer is, the more heat and mess is generated. In addition, the larvae can easily climb the silicone bead that goes up the inside and joins the glass pieces.

A shallow rubber container works best. You will need to drill very small holes in the container to allow air to circulate. Note that superworm larvae have very strong jaws and if they can get their mouths on the inside edge of one of the drilled holes, they will have little trouble enlarging it.

The next step in keeping superworms healthy is to provide them with a quality substrate. There are usually one of two methods employed here. One idea is to provide a consumable substrate that provides both a food source and a living environment. Another is to provide a non-consumable substrate like wood chips.

The second method is favorable because superworms tend to do better in a humid environment. Superworm larvae need a light mist of water over their substrate from time to time to keep humidity levels up. Routine spraying of a consumable substrate, such as grain or cereal, can generate mold and mites, which can destroy a colony.

Water is an important variable not only in the health of your super worms, but also in their reproduction later on, if you so choose. Superworm beetles may not lay eggs without the correct levels of humidity. Superworm eggs can die if allowed to dehydrate too much.

To provide a source of drinking water, a common method is to use potatoes (halved) or carrots. This is an inexpensive solution with the added benefit that the potatoes are easily stored for later use. Another common method of providing a hydration source is to purchase food/water cubes that are produced by various pet product companies and sold online or through your local pet store. They are a convenient way to offer food and water in one package with the added benefit of providing your insects with vitamins and minerals. Look for food buckets designed for feeding/hydrating crickets.

Another important consideration is heat. Superworms, unlike mealworms, cannot survive at low temperatures. Putting Super Worms in the fridge to store for later use like you would Mealworms will result in your Super Worms dying. Room temperature is fine for keeping larvae, however keep in mind that they will grow faster and reproduce better, if at all at higher temperatures (75 degrees and above).

To feed your super worms almost anything will do. They can be fed grains, vegetables, carrion, salad mixes, high-quality fish flakes, commercial diets, dog food, etc.

Keeping superworms successful is not difficult as long as some basic guidelines are followed.

So remember, find or buy a dark, leak-proof container. Use a wood chip substrate. Feed them frequently and vary their diet. Spray your substrate with a very ready water mist routinely. Keep your super worms at a warm temperature. Finally, don’t forget to clean their enclosure frequently.

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