Has your man stopped calling you or spent more free time with his friends lately? So this is evidence that this guy is starting to lose interest in you. Do not think that all is lost. If you want your guy to be attracted to you one more time, this is what you should do:

Make Tyra Banks envious.

One of the main reasons that men lose their interest in women is when they tend to get too comfortable in the relationship and soon feel that it is okay to look sloppy or plain in front of the man. Never, ever, let me see you in your worst dress! You should buy clothes that make you stand out at all times. Learn how to put on makeup and put on a little fragrance. These are basic concepts that you should keep in mind.

You are his most needy girlfriend.

Another thing that forces a man to be disinterested in a woman is when she begins to scold and cling. These annoying attitudes would irritate even the most patient man, so don’t even think that he’s immune from having bad thoughts about you. Scolding and holding on would definitely push him away.

Stop dominating your man.

There is no need to be in charge of your life. You can only influence him to do what you want, but he is not a robot built to do your bidding. Let him feel that you are partners, that neither of you is the boss, and you would feel more secure and loved in your relationship.

Live your life and let him live his.

Instead of busy making plans that could govern your life, why not take on other worthwhile pursuits? Go out with your friends and do the things you’ve been dreaming of. A man who sees that he is not the center of your universe would think that he has to work harder just to be with you!

Let the spontaneity begin.

All the emotions are waiting to happen, so get out there and find out what else you can do as a couple. Don’t just watch DVDs every weekend! Try to do other things. Break the schedules because that’s when the fun begins.

Experimentation is vital.

Try new things with your man: experiment in bed or with your hobbies; do this and you will make our union much more interesting.

Let other people see you.

Aren’t men made to hunt and compete? Once you see that other men are trying to get your attention, you are sure to wake up from their disinterested behavior. This time, you’ll see that he will go the extra mile to make you happy just so you don’t consider quitting.

By admin

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