Many people claim that they are the original inventors of herbivores. There are those who claim that it was invented in England and others who believe that the weed remover was first invented in Japan. The reality is that George Ballas invented the brushcutter in 1972 in Houston, Texas.

Ballas was an inventor and founder of Weed Eater. He was recently interviewed by Until Ballas invented the weed trimmer, people needed to trim weeds and areas of grass that they couldn’t access with a hands-on lawn mower or hedge trimmer, which was very difficult and time consuming. to say the least. It is also dangerous, as kneeling to prune brushy areas by hand increases the chances of being attacked by garden snakes or other snakes and rodents and wildlife. Ballas noticed that this was not the best way to cut weeds in a lawn, so he began to think of safer and easier ways to remove weeds from the lawn.

As the story goes, George was taking his car to a car wash one day and was intrigued by the circular plastic washing brushes that cleaned between the cracks and crevices of the car without damaging the surface. Ballas thought long and hard about what he could use to apply the car wash idea and make a herbivore. He finally came up with the idea to clamp the bottom of a popcorn can with a radio wire connected to a wheeled edge trimmer and after a few unsuccessful attempts to make this new device work he finally put it on. march, and the grass wacker started working. stages of childhood development.

Later, when a worker George Ballas had working for him, who was an experienced machinist, helped George put together the idea – the Weed Eater was developed. George Ballas founded the Weed Eater company and the rest is history. The Weed Eater soon took off after being promoted on television during the 1970s. The weed eater solved a big problem many homeowners and landscapers had, that of trimming weeds in dangerous and hard-to-reach areas.

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