Grow your small business by creating highly targeted ads and submitting them to multiple free classified sites. There are a ton of free classified websites these days. I have had great success generating new leads with Craigslist, Back page, eBay Classifieds, and Not only do you get traffic from these sites, but you’ll see Google, Bing, and Yahoo list your ads organically for certain local keyword terms. They usually get indexed for a couple of weeks, but sometimes I’ve been running ads in the top 3 for months.

I like to target these ads by putting my local zip codes, cities, and neighborhoods within the ads. That way, if a customer is looking for a towing company and they add the zip code into the search, they’ll find my classified ad in the search results. Visit your city’s website to find a list of zip codes and neighborhoods you want to target.

Another tip that drives more traffic is to search Google’s keyword tool for all the different keyword phrases and different combinations that your customers may be searching for. Download and paste them into the ad along with the zip codes to maximize your chances of being found. Always post your website URL in the ad using the http. This creates an inbound link for your main website which will help increase your search engine optimization ranking. Always title your ads with your main keyword in mind. For example, if your company is Joe’s Construction and you are looking for roofing jobs, I would headline my ad Roofing Contractor and then the name of the city.

Take the time to build an ad using the methods I’ve outlined above. It will take a little longer, but it will stand out from your competition. Also, once you have one, it’s easy to copy and paste it to all the other classifieds sites. So watch your business grow. You can visit my site for a free step-by-step video of posting a highly targeted classified ad.

By admin

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