How To Activate Your Entire Home From The Living Room

No other room in the house offers the feng shui potential that the living room does. This room is essential for family life and feng shui. When it comes to feng shui, no other room can compare to this particular room. This is because the living room is the ONLY room in the house that can be activated according to the nine sectors of the bagua or lo shu square, making it a very important room indeed.

When you want to affect the feng shui of the whole house, you should start by applying feng shui improvements or remedies in the living room. The benefit is that the living room can enhance the feng shui of other parts of the house that may have afflictions or are missing or should not have a particular improvement.

For example, if the bedroom is in the north sector, a water feature would be a great feature to enhance professional feng shui. However, water in the bedroom is not recommended. But, the water in the north corner of the living room will help boost the feng shui of that sector with beneficial water energy in the corresponding corner.

How is this possible? Think of the yin-yang symbol in the center of the bagua. This symbol is called “tai chi” — yes, just like the martial arts exercise. This tai chi can be applied to spaces of any size and is known as large tai chi or small tai chi.

For example, you can apply the bagua to the lot your house sits on. This is called big tai chi. Small tai chi would be to apply the bagua in a single room, like the living room, or in an area like a desk. By applying feng shui to the living room, you are activating little tai chi.

However, keep in mind that depending on the industry, you may not want to apply all the enhancements. For example, if your living room is in the northwest corner of the house, then adding candles to the south corner of the living room would not be recommended because an open flame in the NW corner of the house is very dangerous.

In fact, I know someone whose house started to burn from the candles that were placed in this sector. More importantly, the NW is the sector of “heaven” or the patriarch or breadwinner (if the breadwinner is a man). With that caveat in mind, proceed to make changes to your living room. By doing so, you will instantly improve your feng shui for your entire home!

1. Fix, fix.

The goal of a living room is to create a room where the family gathers or where guests can sit and everyone can enjoy conversation and each other’s company. Living rooms are the place for celebrations and good times, so they really benefit from a proper layout.

Many times, living rooms suffer from an L-shaped configuration caused by L-shaped sofas or by placing a sofa and loveseat at a 45-degree angle to each other. This creates conflict and a feeling of inexplicable discomfort in the room. Remember, televisions and fireplaces are not the focal point of a living room, but the people.

Instead, arrange the room so that the sofa and seat are LOOKING at … Don’t worry – you’ll still be able to see the fireplace and TV, but it will instantly and dramatically improve your desire to be in the room and you will cultivate more relationships. loving and harmonious. Better yet, it will improve the flow of energy in the room. So, move those couches!

2. Add a little red and gold.

To ensure that families are in harmony and enjoy good relationships with each other, be sure to add some elements of red and gold together. It can be a vase of red carnations and golden daisies, or it can be a pillow with gold and red colors. Red and gold together help calm conflicts and create good feelings. Make sure to add these two colors whenever there are conflicts or feelings of anger.

3. The image of happiness.

Be sure to hang a picture of a happy family or its occupants in the living room. This image can influence the whole family. Hang pictures on an east wall to benefit family relationships. You may also want to add pictures according to your living room direction to enhance a particular area. For example, a picture of a beautiful lake or waterfall would be wonderful on the north wall (career / opportunities) and a large, beautiful tree would be great for the east wall (health / family relationships).

4. Add a little “yang” to your living room.

The living room should have a good balance between yin and yang. However, a little more “yang” or positive energy is especially beneficial. This can come from the addition of a red accent wall, a shiny chandelier, or a moving object.

5. Drive the lucky corner in the living room.

Where is the lucky corner? This is the corner of the room that is opposite and diagonal from the main entrance to the room. If this corner is in the SW, W, NW, or NE, reinforce this corner with a beautiful geode, semi-precious stone bowl, beautiful vase, globe, or other earthly feature. If the lucky corner is the south or the southwest, increase the chi here with a nice tall, bright lamp. If the corner is in the north, add a font here. If you are in the east or southeast, you can have a fountain here or add a group of beautiful lush plants or pretty flowers.

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