Since children tend to reside with their mothers after divorce, making arrangements for Father’s Day can be a troublesome task for a divorced couple. In fact, for many dads, the prospect of spending Father’s Day without their children is a very real and, indeed, agonizing prospect.

Unfortunately, sometimes this is unavoidable. Divorced couples often move and this can make it difficult to make the necessary arrangements. However, every effort should be made to allow the children to spend the day with their father. In the event proper arrangements cannot be made, make sure your children send a card to their dad, if they are too young; write the card on your behalf. A phone call or, better yet, a webcam conversation wouldn’t hurt either. It can be hard to make up your mind to do this, but you should try to wish your ex a Happy Father’s Day; this will go a long way in developing or maintaining a friendly and cordial relationship with your ex-spouse.

Feelings of resentment and bitterness are common after a divorce, and many women deny their ex-husbands access to their children as a result. True, many parents disappear into the ether after divorce, but for every parent who makes no effort to see their children, there is another who struggles to enjoy contact with their estranged children.

Experts agree that it is beneficial for children to enjoy contact with both parents, however, according to the study it creates, between thirty-five and fifty percent of fathers lose contact with their children after hours. separations; which effectively means that three-quarters of a million children in the UK are left without a father after their parents divorce.

More troubling are the results of numerous studies that have revealed that children with absent fathers are more likely to develop drug problems, drop out of school early, become teenage mothers, and display a variety of psychological and behavioral problems.

So regardless of how bitter your breakup was, denying your ex contact with your children is seriously damaging not only to the person who hurt you, but also to the people you love the most.

If your husband currently doesn’t enjoy contact with your children, then Father’s Day could be the perfect excuse for you to reach out to him and work towards an amicable agreement. Remember, it is best for everyone and no parent should be discouraged from taking an active role in his child’s life.

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