When penis itching occurs, men can’t help but notice, and they should. While an itchy penis may be the result of nothing more than a sweaty groin area, some causes of itching are more complicated and require proper treatment. Outlined here are some of the most common culprits when it comes to itchy groin area, along with penis care tips men can use to soothe inflamed and irritated skin.

Bacterial vaginosis: This infection occurs in women who have an imbalance in their body chemistry, allowing “bad” bacteria in the vagina to take over. Bacterial vaginosis has a characteristic fishy odor; men whose partners are infected may also notice an odor on the penis. It is recommended to treat the infection and refrain from sexual intercourse until it clears up.

Diabetes: Men who have diabetes may experience a fishy odor to their urine, which is caused by the breakdown of fatty acids into waste products. While it is the urine itself that is actually affected, the odor can still be detected in the groin area.

Poor hygiene: This is one of the most common causes of crotch odor and one of the most preventable. A daily shower is needed to remove the buildup of sweat, bacteria, dirt, bodily fluids, dead skin cells, etc.

smegma: This term refers to a whitish, cheesy substance that often accumulates under the foreskin in uncircumcised men. It is mainly made up of dead skin cells that have been shed and become trapped, as well as body oils and other fluids. These accumulate under the foreskin and form a paste that is foul-smelling and often difficult to remove. Daily attention to hygiene is the best way to keep smegma to a minimum.

STDs: Numerous types of sexually transmitted infections can cause foul odors in the genital region. Men who are sexually active and experience symptoms such as sores, blisters, rashes, and discharge should seek medical evaluation; and regular testing for common STDs is a must.

Sweatshirt: The muzzle area is noticeably hot and sweaty; and sweat stinks. In fact, it’s not the perspiration itself that has an unpleasant odor; this is caused by bacteria that are attracted to it. In addition to washing frequently, wearing comfortable, breathable clothing that allows air to circulate can help minimize sweating.

Urinary tract infection: The bacteria that cause urinary tract infections can cause a man’s urine to smell fishy. It is necessary to treat the infection with antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria, as well as the stench.

Yeast Infection: Penile yeast infections can cause a yeasty or fishy odor. An antifungal cream is usually needed to clear up a yeast infection, and any pair should be treated at the same time.

Steps to avoid penis odor

Not all causes of a smelly penis are hygiene related, as already mentioned above. However, keeping the area clean, well-groomed, and healthy is undoubtedly the best way to keep stench at bay.

For starters, a little men’s waxing can also be a great way to keep odor to a minimum, as bodily fluids, sweat, and other substances can easily get trapped in a thick undergrowth of hair.

A daily shower is also a must, using lukewarm water and a mild cleanser, never soap, to gently wash the area. Uncircumcised men should remove the foreskin and wash the area underneath, making sure to remove any smegma that may have accumulated. And for guys who just can’t take a shower on any given day, it’s worth at least going to the sink and washing the muzzle area carefully with a soft cloth.

It is also recommended to dry off thoroughly before putting on a pair of underpants, as wet skin can attract fungal spores and bacteria.

Once the area is clean, dry and shiny, apply a penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can add additional odor protection. Best is a cream that contains vitamin A, a natural antibacterial agent that can reduce the presence of odor-causing bacteria; And the moisturizing properties of a quality product can help prevent dry skin, which is much more prone to infections and other problems.

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