When searching for the right acne treatment, many people are stumped by all the products available today and are not sure which treatment works best and which products they should use. Two of the most talked about products are benzoyl peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. While these two have some things in common, they are actually very different products and will produce drastically different results.

Benzoyl peroxide: It has become one of the most well-known and widely used ingredients in acne treatments. Not only is it extremely safe for all skin types, but it is also extremely effective in treating acne and other skin problems and blemishes. One of the things that makes benzoyl peroxide so effective is that it puts oxygen into the pores of the skin, which helps to increase skin regeneration and skin renewal. It deep cleans to the root of the problem and kills bacteria that once lived in an oxygen rich area and are now dying because benzoyl peroxide depletes oxygen.

It can cause some minor skin irritations, but these should go away with time and are not a cause for concern. Many times, people with acne choose to over-wash their skin without realizing that it can actually lead to more breakouts and other skin irritations. Some of the most common irritations associated with are: slight reddening of the skin, scaly skin, and dry skin.

1. very affordable and sold in most drug stores

2. Doesn’t have an overpowering smell

Hydrogen Peroxide – People may be surprised to hear that many people use hydrogen peroxide to help treat their acne. While hydrogen peroxide is not recommended by dermatologists, it is a very old home remedy that many use to treat acne. Hydrogen peroxide is known for its many cleansing uses, such as gargling the mouth or cleaning wounds or cuts. The same cleansing powers that help clean other areas of the body are often applied to the face with a cotton ball.

1.easy to apply

2. does not dry out the skin

3. no smell

4. very affordable and readily available

What product should I use?

When determining which product to use, benzoyl peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, one must really consider your skin and its condition. If a person suffers from mild acne and only has occasional breakouts, hydrogen peroxide should be enough to help cleanse the pores and reduce the appearance and appearance of acne. However, if a person has more sensitive skin and more moderate to severe acne, they should use a product that contains benzoyl peroxide. It can be found in a wide variety of over-the-counter products and comes in different concentrations. It is recommended to start with a product that contains a lower dose of benzoyl peroxide and try it for a few weeks and if the acne has not cleared up, try a product that contains a higher amount of benzoyl peroxide.

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