The art of making gold in World of Warcraft is relatively easy to master, if you follow the correct guidelines. Now, with the WOTLK (Wrath of the Lich King) expansion, the need to make gold fast is even more pressing. Here are some tips you can use:

  1. Choose a good gathering profession – Probably the best ones you can choose are:
    • Mining. After the wrath of the Lich King expansion, the demand for stones, ores, and gems collected through mining is outrageous! To farm Mithil and Thorium, go to Burning Steppes and Un’Goro. For Adamantite Ore, the best places are Netherstorm, Terokkar, and Nagrand. If you decide to prospect Adamantite instead of selling it, you can make over 50g profit for every few stacks.
    • Herbalism: The best herbs to sell are: Fel Lotus, Mana Thistle, Nightmare Vine, Ancient Lichen, and Netherbloom. For Mana Thistle there are some nodes in Outlands and Nightmare Vine drops in Shadowmoon Valley.
    • Skinning is also a lucrative profession. You can get very high prices for rare leather like Cobra Scales and Windscales. Cobra Scales falls in Shadowmoon Valley and Nagrand and Windscales can be found in Blade’s Edge Mountains. Instead of selling the Cobra Scale for 20g, you can buy some mats to make a Nethercobra Leg Armor and earn 200-300g!
  2. Choose a good craftsman profession:
    • Alchemy can be used to produce potions that are much needed, such as healing, mana, and invisibility potions. The Elixir of Demonslaying is a best seller and you can do it with Ghost Mushroom and Gromsblood.
    • Jewelry can be turned into a great source of income through gem prospecting and cutting. Prospecting for the highest quality ore such as Thorium and Adamantite will help you make a good profit. As for gem cutting, you can charge a small fee for each gem you cut, but prefer only the best sellers like Rigid Dawnstone and Teardrop Living Ruby.
    • Fur trading can also be very profitable, especially if you don’t buy the hides and skin them yourself.

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