I have never considered myself boring. I can be boring to other people, but not to myself.

As you get older, you find that there are a lot of boring things in this world.

When I was younger, I don’t remember ever being bored, except when my father lectured me on how to behave. I’m not sure he was very successful at it.

I wasn’t bored with anything, and I always found something to catch my eye.

This was back in the days when there was no internet, cell phones or anything like that. How some people today live without cell phones is something I will never understand.

The other day I was downtown, I stopped at a red light and a lot of people were walking on the left side. I watched them and I didn’t know if they were going to some memorial service or what. They were all bent over, heads down, working on their cell phones as they walked.

You take away their cell phone and they don’t know what in the world to do.

When I was younger, we knew what to do. We didn’t need any nonsense to have fun and keep us from getting bored.

Being a husband for over 50 years, I don’t know what it’s like to be bored.

If, for example, I have nothing to do and the Funny Mistress of the Parsonage finds out, believe me, I have a lot to do.

The other night, I watched the little kittens on the back porch jumping and running and chasing each other. One was chasing his shadow, and I don’t think he ever succeeded.

But these kitties were having the time of their lives and when their energy ran out, they all curled up together for a nap.

Maybe that’s why older people take naps more often!

I am not against technology at all. For example, if I go to a restaurant by myself, I bring my cell phone with a Kindle app with about 300 books on it, so I have something to read.

Not many things bore me, but there are times when I get bored.

What bores me the most are committee meetings. I know some people make a living from these committee meetings. Whether it is politics, education or religion, meetings are their top priority.

I can’t think of anything more boring than committee meetings. I do my best to keep my chin up, but it’s hard to do that with so many chins on my face.

They certainly couldn’t be a politician because all they do is go to committee meetings after committee meetings. That may explain why so many politicians are crazy. They’ve been to so many committee meetings it’s driven them crazy. But of course, with some of them, it’s not a very long journey.

For many years, I have gone to church committee meetings. But unfortunately, the older I get, the more bored I get with this kind of activity.

When I’m in person at some of these committee meetings, I have to go to the bathroom if I don’t fall asleep. I remember a committee meeting where I went to the bathroom probably close to 10 times. After the meeting, someone asked me how I was feeling. I didn’t tell him because I didn’t want to offend him.

Then something changed. Throughout this whole health dilemma we were facing during lockdown, something positive emerged.

The positive thing is that we do not meet in commission, but we do it virtually. That was something I had never thought about until recently.

A virtual meeting means that you are not in person, but on the computer with the group. So some of the committee meetings have been virtual.

At first, I was a bit excited about this. After all, I don’t have to travel a hundred miles to attend the committee meeting. Instead, I can go to my computer and join the committee online.

I was quite looking forward to having this experience, so I set up my computer on my easy chair at home and had a nice hot cup of coffee. Then, when it was time to start the meeting, I clicked several times on my computer and voila, I was in the committee meeting.

At first there was something interesting about it, but then that boring element started to unfold right in front of me.

Watching him for 30 minutes, my head started to nod, but I didn’t agree with anything they were proposing. Then, finally, my head began to nod, my eyes began to fade, and soon, I was sleeping.

At that moment, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage came in and saw that I was sleeping, but she also heard that I was asleep because of the snoring I make when I sleep.

He touched my shoulder and said, “You’re not bored, are you?”

I opened my eyes, looked around a bit, cleared my throat, and looking at her said, “Of course not. I was having a prayer time for the committee meeting.”

I’m not sure when I heard her laugh as much as I did at that moment.

Later that day I remembered a verse of scripture. “Laziness causes one to fall into a deep sleep, and the idle soul will suffer hunger” (Proverbs 19:15).

If I’m bored it’s my fault. I need to live a proactive life serving God in a way that pleases him.

By admin

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