Narrowing down the list of famous police leaders to the 5 most influential people in law enforcement history is difficult. Many people have influenced law enforcement around the world since ancient Egyptian and Greek societies. The following men, however, may be 5 of the most influential people in recent law enforcement history in the United States:

Eugene Biscailuz: As the 27th Los Angeles County Sheriff in 1932, Biscailuz was instrumental in a variety of groundbreaking changes in California law enforcement that were influential across the country. He founded the California Highway Patrol, among other things.

Bill Bratton: This former New York City police commissioner oversaw huge reductions in crime rates in New York City in the 1990s, which is why many people say Rudi Giuliani took the credit before firing him. Bratton, also a former Boston police commissioner, served as the chief of police for the Los Angeles County Police Department before retiring in 2009.

Daryl Gates: As Chief of the Los Angeles County Police Department from 1978 to 1992, he was instrumental in a number of major changes, such as founding DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics). . He also oversaw the Los Angeles police during a tumultuous time for race relations, especially after the 1991 Rodney King incident.

Theodore Roosevelt: Although most famous as the 26th President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt was also chairman of the New York City Police Commissioners from 1895 to 1897. He turned a corrupt police force around by establishing new disciplinary rules, creating a bike squad to address traffic problems, standardize officers’ gun use, implement firearm inspections and physicals, and hire 1,600 new recruits based solely on their physical and mental qualifications.

August Vollmer: Vollmer, known as a leading figure in the development of the United States criminal justice field, began as the first police chief of Berkeley, California. After a long career, he was appointed president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1921.

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