It’s better to be the WORST ORIGINAL version of yourself than to be someone else’s BEST FAKE. The lack of originality in our dealings stifles the generation of new and fresh thoughts and ideas, so the world becomes monotonous, routine and boring. The power of CREATIVITY is hardwired into each person. This creative power is not limited to specific privileged and skilled individuals. We must never degrade ourselves to the point of appointing others to the role to which we are entitled. When people see your originality, they will pay every available penny to try your product. When all you have are copies of other people’s work, then you’re doing humanity a disservice. There are areas of endeavor that only you can pioneer. Just because no one has created a cure for AIDS doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Someone is sitting on it without knowing it. I can only hope it’s not you.

In business, innovation can be easily distinguished from invention. Invention, on the one hand, can be described as the conversion of cash into ideas, while innovation becomes the conversion of ideas into cash. Let’s do a quick comparison of two creative people, Thomas Edison with Nikola Tesla. Thomas Edison was innovative because he made money from his ideas. Nikola Tesla was an inventor. Tesla spent money to create his inventions, but was unable to monetize them. Having described the two, I advise you not to choose one at the expense of the other. Both are good attributes for living and working. Being an inventor is good, being an innovator is even better. How about having both? It’s the best thing you can do with your mind.

No one should ever lie to you that you are not capable of creating anything with your mind. Nobody should ever tell you that the inventions that exist are enough. Dozens of new machines appear every day as humanity seeks to make life much easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable. Who says you can’t be the next success story when you create a never-before-created machine. Whoever said you’re not going to get anywhere didn’t really mean it. That was the slippery tongue. They meant that you will be the next incredible success story of your town, country or continent. You have the choice to believe people’s statements about how “not so creative you are” or to believe that you have all the capacity ready and wired inside. I always choose the later. Let the talkers do what they enjoy doing, talk what amounts to nothing while I do what amounts to greatness. You are a creative genius waiting to be discovered by the world, but you are ripe and ready.

Reflection Points – Think About This – Who are you trying to become lately? How original are your thoughts and actions? How open is your mind to new things? What have you created over the years using your creative ability and creative ability?

Affirmation Points – Say this to yourself– I am an original not a copy. I am terribly and wonderfully made. In me is the ability to create things never created? I speak to the existence of things never seen. Thanks for the originality. I am a creative and original thinker.

By admin

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