Every woman of faith has a purpose, a specific plan that God has for her life. However, not all of them will discover, let alone fulfill that purpose. It sounds very negative but that is the unfortunate truth. The reason is that a woman’s life is so complex, that she and her life purpose can get entangled in her complexity that she will not get to fulfill that plan.

The challenge facing the woman is to be able to overcome this complexity to discover her purpose and then move forward to fulfill it. Unfortunately, it’s not about not loving God, but about understanding that while God has a great purpose for her to fulfill, the life she leads of his has the potential to kill her ability to execute that purpose. plan.

He is a victim of his roles, relationships and seasons. They can be discouraging. She is a daughter, sister, granddaughter, aunt, niece, cousin, student, wife, mother, career woman, co-worker, boss, subordinate, sister at church, friend, all in one. Each role, relationship, and season places demands on her that require her constant response. How does she respond to all of them and still access her God-given purpose? The truth is that her destiny is embedded in all of them. However, God-inspired wisdom is required for her to integrate it all and make sense of it. How does she get it? What does she have to do?


The woman of faith, who wants to understand and fulfill the purpose that God has given her, has to give herself to Him without reservation. She requires a constant, persistent and diligent focus on the Lord Jesus. This is because being in relationship with Him gives him possible access to her purpose, but she does not guarantee it. That explains why so many women of faith are so dissatisfied and dissatisfied. It is one thing to enter into a relationship with the Lord and another thing to be fully committed and surrendered to Him. That level of surrender stems from a deep understanding that God is the author of life. It gives birth to the faith required to access the great thoughts and plans He has for her. Total submission to the will of God has its benefits, but it also entails sacrifices and prices to pay. The good thing is that He is not a task master and will give the necessary wisdom to overcome everything to the place of total discovery. He will be there every step of the way. He will help her.


God’s purpose for his people, not excluding women, is sprinkled throughout the pages of his word, the Bible. The more time the woman of faith spends in it, the closer she walks to that divine purpose. It is true that women are a complex work. It is true that she is a product of the roles, relationships and seasons of her life. It is also true that given the circumstances, it is almost impossible to find time to devote to the Word. So what does she have to do?

You have to be decisive, diligent, constant and pragmatic to get to read your Bible, because that’s where you can discover the essence of your life. Granted, there are many books, articles, magazines, the Internet that offer useful information for a successful life, but for the woman of faith, the Bible has the real answers to discover and fulfill the purpose. The psalmist understood this when he said: ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’ (Psalm 119:105). She will help her on the journey of life. Will you answer questions? She will bring solutions. She will give direction. She will give the necessary power to get things done. She will help discernment. She will protect from evil, sin and temptation. She will expose the mischief of the enemy. She will give strength in her moments of weakness. She will give you clarity when she is confused. He will comfort her in times of pain. She will pour love abroad into her heart. She will bring joy from the springs of salvation. She will bring peace in times of confusion, when everything has gone haywire. She will do everything possible to bring the woman of faith to the place where she fully understands the mind of God for her life. More importantly, she will make available to her everything she needs to fulfill it.

How can the Bible be all this? The book of John explains it. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God’ (John 1:1). God and his word are one and the same. Time spent in his word is time spent with him. Every line one reads equals a story with him. What could beat that? Are you inundated with all kinds of roles and responsibilities? Yes she is. However, you should make time for story time with his Heavenly Father. She can’t afford not to. Her purpose in life depends on it.


One consequence of spending time in the Bible is the desire or need to pray. They go hand in hand. As the woman of faith spends time in the Word, the Spirit of God that lives in her begins to long to express herself before the Father. The next thing would be to reach out in praise, worship, and prayer. It is a natural progression. Prayer is the key that unlocks God’s purpose for his life. Not only does it help unveil, but it provides power to do so. Prayer activates the Word. It becomes an essential tool in fulfilling its purpose.

Do you have time for that? Obviously not. She has to take care of the children, cook the meals, take care of her sick mother, attend school functions and make sure the house is well taken care of, in addition to working full time from eight to five. Where will she find the time to pray? Once again, she must rise above the complexity of her life and spend time in prayer in addition to spending time in the Word.

The trick is to start somewhere and grow from there. There are women who have perfected dedicating an hour every morning to this end, but they did not start there. Fifteen minutes to start would be a good starting point. Being disciplined and consistent is very important for this to work. It means giving priority. It means that the woman of faith understands that her life depends on this and she sticks with it to make sure it happens. And the rest will flow from there.


It’s starting to seem like the steps to discovering and fulfilling purpose are intertwined. In fact, one could say that. Having spent time with the Father through his word and prayer from him, the woman of faith will discover that she needs to make many decisions. The decisions would bode well for her to fulfill God’s plan for her life. It could be something that she needs to start or stop doing. They could be relationships that she needs to redefine. It could be something she should stay away from. She could be choosing between gainful employment and being a stay-at-home mom. She could be choosing between two jobs or two men who want to marry her. Decisions are often heartbreaking. Suffice it to say that sometimes walking God’s way could be equivalent to walking the biblical narrow path. Whatever it is, the decision must be made and followed through to its logical conclusion.

The important thing is to make godly decisions. Sometimes it’s easy, but other times it can be very difficult. Remember when Esther made the decision to go to the king. She realized that it was a matter of life and death. She said, ‘if I perish, I perish’ (Esther 4:16). That’s the bottom line. It was a godly decision because she recognized that only God could save her. When Ruth decided to go home to his mother-in-law, it was a godly decision (Ruth 1:16, 17). Only God could make sure that he would get something good out of it. Naomi was a bitter old woman at the time. She couldn’t have helped her, but God could. These women are good examples of women who fulfilled their destinies.

Does a woman of faith have to make similar decisions? Yes. Are they always easy to do? No. Should I do them anyway? Yes. That’s the only way to get into her plan for her life: make godly choices because she trusts him.


Having made decisions, the woman of faith must make sacrifices for her to enter into God’s plan for her life. The good thing is that she is not making arbitrary sacrifices. They are really necessary. If the decision is pious, the sacrifice will also be pious. She never asks one to let go of something without the plan of something better. However, the sacrifices, while necessary, can be painful. When a woman has to let go of a loved one because she doesn’t believe in her faith, it hurts. When she lets her prodigal son go, not knowing if she’ll ever come home, it’s painful. But the truth is that every sacrifice she makes is a seed in the hand of God. She dies but she is given life to come back to her life and help her be who God has made her to be. She never leaves her life, but she always looks twice at her future.

His ability to make the sacrifice amounts to putting his faith on the line. It is equivalent to taking a step of faith. That is what pleases God. It is an indicator of a woman of faith’s willingness to walk in her plan for her. That is the equivalent of passing a test. It is an act of obedience. It will always bring goodness and a life of fulfillment.


The life of the woman of faith, like that of everyone, will have different seasons. Some are favorable like spring and summer, while others are cold and hostile like winter. They happen like this despite her walk with God. It is not a function of God’s pleasure with her. It’s just life. God allows good and evil. In any case, she must always see life from God’s perspective, which is always good. How does the Bible say it? ‘Whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, wonderful, excellent or praiseworthy, think about it’ (Philippians 4:8). That is God’s perspective. That is positive thinking. That is the way He looks at life. No matter how bleak the situation looks, God always has a good perspective. They will turn around forever. How can you always be positive? He knows that the power to change it is in Him.

As a woman of faith, you must think like Him and hope for the best. She must understand that the purpose of living unfolds in the good and bad things that happen. Sometimes, she has to lose her job before she can start her multi-million dollar business. She sometimes has to let her daughter leave home against her wishes, so that the young woman appreciates the life she has. Sometimes she must go through a divorce in order to effectively minister to divorced women. But she must have the assurance in her heart that her ashes will eventually become beautiful. He never fails. That is the process to develop the purpose and bring the destinations. It’s just a matter of time.

The woman of faith is so important to God. Working with her is always her pleasure. Like Him, she has the ability to conceive, incubate, and give birth to dreams like no other creature of God does. She was created that way. But it’s hard for her because of the many roles she has to fit into. Since these roles also matter to Him, the answer cannot lie in her abandoning them to pursue the fulfillment of her plan for her life. She must trust Him as she executes them and keys them into the seasons of life that He has given her. He will guide her through the labyrinth of her life to lead her to the goal. Her total commitment to Him, consistently spending time in the Word and prayer, making godly decisions and sacrifices while staying positive despite the seasons of her life, will help her accomplish God’s purpose for The life of her. She can say like Paul, ‘Because now I am ready to be offered, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith; For the rest, the crown of righteousness is laid up for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day” (2 Timothy 4; 6-8).

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