Few things in life give us the feeling of being free, having the feeling of flying and wings and skies. One is, of course, to fly in an airplane or hot air balloon. There are also extreme ways to get that feeling, like bungee jumping or skydiving.

However, a small problem is that not all of us can afford to travel by plane when we feel like it. We also don’t have the luxury of taking a long trip to the mountains, what, with our jobs and all. So for us ordinary people, there’s only one way to feel that liberating thrill: take a road trip with some friends while listening to pop tunes from your car audio.

Well, everyone has musical preferences. If you want to blow up heavy metal, then by all means do so. But for the greater good, this list will be on the pop songs, particularly the ones most popular on the charts. In no particular order, I’ve listed a few crowd favorites that will definitely raise anyone’s cheer.

Katy Perry Roar

I have the eye of the tiger, the fire.

Dancing through the fire

‘Cause I’m a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar…

Imagine this song, blaring from the speakers of your car’s audio system, being carried by the wind to freedom. Imagine all the excitement and surge of strength this song gives you and add it to the actual excitement of your car. That, along with the reckless movement of the arms while driving with the wind.

Miley Cyrus wrecking ball

I walked in like a wrecking ball

I never hit so hard in love

All I wanted was to break down your walls

All you did was destroy me…

Well, let’s just say Wrecking Ball is for the emotional type. This is especially recommended for newly single, bitter, emotionally shattered people who won’t stop crying. Actually, the package is a must: song + drive. A joyride can make you think and feel emotions other than pain. And I’m telling you, friend, the moment you start feeling angry, sing this song with all the angst you can muster. Shout if you have to! Such activities can unload your heart with unnecessary baggage.

Applause – Lady Gaga

I live for the applause, applause, applause

I live for the applause

live for the applause

Live by the way you cheer me on and yell…

Of course, you must be the star of your own car and your own fun ride. Even when you are not the people person in life, at least in your private and fun time, you can pretend that everyone loves you and that everyone wants to be you. You only enjoy the music. You share the music that comes out of your car audio at full volume with your friends. Anything is good as long as you are happy. Life is a fast car. You should keep driving and enjoy the ride.

By admin

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