Mobile phone apps are used for just about everything… from texting, checking Facebook and email, to checking the weather, the stock market, gas prices and much, much more.

Popular games like FarmVille and World of Warcraft also use apps.

Smartphone apps have become all the rage because they have more advanced connectivity and capabilities than traditional phones.

There is now a greater demand for smartphones than for any other type of mobile phone, according to Wikipedia.

Almost half of the United States uses smartphones, according to the Huffington Post.

Seventy-nine percent of all smartphone users reach for their phone within 15 minutes of getting out of bed (All Twitter Survey).

This percentage rises to 89% among those between the ages of 18 and 24.

Smartphone users have an average of 7.4 social/communication apps on their mobile device.

They see their phone as an important tool to stay connected.

Other interesting smartphone user statistics:

  • 34 percent post photos on Instagram
  • 27 percent post updates on LinkedIn
  • 26 percent direct message via Twitter
  • 25 percent review a Facebook news feed
  • 22 percent check a Twitter feed
  • 20 percent check an Instagram feed
  • 16 percent use text messages

A smartphone is like a PC in your pocket.

The average smartphone user checks Facebook 14 times a day and spends about half an hour a day on Facebook (Source: a recent study commissioned by a company in Menlo Park, California).

By 2015, it is estimated that mobile Internet usage will surpass desktop usage.

Considering the myriad ways that people now use smartphones, some have likened the smartphone to a Swiss army knife.

Since mid-April 2013, an underdog app company has been paving an uncharted frontier that will soon launch a new generation of apps, only this time, with an innovative twist.

These apps will include gaming apps, social networking apps, and more.

Clearly, the company intends to become the main boss of the app industry, as stated in its promotional materials.

A recent newsletter from the company states that their goal is to reach one million users by June 15, 2013, which will be a record.

They’re halfway there since May 22, 2013, even though none of their records have seen any of the company’s apps. In fact, the company has yet to go public.

Q: So why would half a million people join an app company without seeing the apps?

A: It’s the innovative twist, meaning combining apps with what the company calls “incentivized sharing.” The company guarantees that its users will be rewarded through an exchange model similar to a network marketing payment plan. The difference is that the cash rewards will come primarily from generating ad revenue rather than product sales.

The company will track this income through an application that has been designed for smartphones.

The apps will most likely work on desktop and laptop computers as well, just like most other apps.

There is still a lot about this company that we don’t know.

Whether or not this company will live up to the aforementioned hoopla has yet to be revealed.

But with over half a million registrations in a month, it sure is eye-popping!

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