What makes a video successful online? Believe it or not, it’s not the fancy camera or fancy music and titles you use. Here are some tips on how to make a good YouTube video.

There are millions of videos on YouTube. The first trick is to get your video found by using lots of great keywords in your tags. If you use a lot of related keywords in your tags, you will have a much better chance of being found. The other option is to make a fantastic video that people watch, love, and pass on to all their friends. Many videos on YouTube don’t have great keyword tags, but they get a lot of views simply because they are that good.

Try including one or even all of these features in your YouTube video. If you make sure your video is funny, gross, weird, shocking, sexy, interesting, inspiring, or useful, you’re on the right track.

Here’s why the video you post should be one or all of the above.

Your video must be funny because people love to laugh. People are always looking for fun things to see. People also like to share funny things with their friends, so if your video is funny, it will have a better chance of being shared with others.

People love weird stuff, so one weird item in your video will get you a lot of views. The stranger, the more interesting the video and the more people will spread it.

A large video will earn you a lot of views. Just look at how many people see the fear factor.

Inspirational stories are also very popular on YouTube. If you can get inspired, you really should take advantage of that ability.

Shocking videos are usually hits. Word will travel fast and people won’t be able to resist seeing it.

Sexy, as everyone knows, has never been an obstacle to selling a product.

Make your video interesting and generate curiosity. If you do this, people will be tempted to click through to your website to see what else you have there. A video that demonstrates how to do something is usually very popular. People are always looking for free and useful information and advice on the Internet. How-to videos are probably the easiest types of video to make since you simply need to demonstrate a product or something you know a lot about.

Give your viewers a part of yourself by making your video clip personal. People are naturally curious and love to know everything about other people. Be natural and be yourself.

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