Appmakr is free software that allows people to create apps for iOS and Android. The good side of the software is that you don’t need to have any coding skills to use it.

Another advantage is that the software is easy to use. To use it, you need to go to the official Appmakr website and enter the name of the app you want to create. Next, you need to click “get started” and sign in to the site with your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or Yahoo account.

After logging in, you need to fill in the details on the first page. Some of the information you need to fill in on this page includes: name, color and layout, background image, and splash screen image of the application.

If you don’t want to use the design or image on the site, you can upload your own. When uploading your image, you must ensure that the image is the correct dimensions. The ideal dimensions are: 768 pixels wide X 1024 pixels high.

Once you have provided this information, you need to click the “next” button and you will be brought to a page where you need to enter the features of the application.

Some of the features you need to enter are: calendar and community features. To set up the calendar feature, you need to find the iCal link and copy it.

You need to go back to the machine and click on the event dropdown. You need to drag the calendar icon to the phone interface area and then paste the iCal link into the URL field. After doing this, you should save your work.

Community is a feature that allows users of the same app to post greetings and leave messages for everyone involved in the community feature. Many people like the Facebook wall.

To set up this feature, you need to click and drag the community icon and then customize it with your own icon, page background, and your welcome message. You should then save your work once everything is in order.

Once you’ve customized your app, you now need to publish it. You can publish to Android and HTML5 platforms for free or you can publish to Appmakr’s mobile marketplace for $1/month. If you have money to spend, you can publish to all platforms (iPhone, HTML 5, and Android) for $9/month.

After publishing, you need to download the app from the provided URL or QR code.

By admin

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