I bet many of you like to keep up with the latest news and events that happen every day. So why not start watching the news in the foreign language you’re trying to learn no matter how advanced you are?

Actually, watching TV news every day can help your overall learning and understanding of a foreign language. I used to follow my TV News strategy when I was learning Spanish. I started with 24 Hours and its news (the link can be found online). At first it was difficult to catch up with all the information. To be honest with you, for the first week I could barely understand some words, but over time, as my vocabulary level and grammar knowledge increased, I was able to understand more.

As we watch, we will always hear more than we can really understand (at least at first). You can deal with that by watching the entire news broadcast and then go back to those bits that were hard to understand to watch them again. Don’t give up if the news seems to be presented in fast motion. This is very common for Spanish and Italian news, as the presenters tend to speak very fast. If you’re just starting to watch the news, try to answer some basic questions such as when, where, who, why, and how they relate to the news.

Well, world news and events are always broadcast on the major TV news services. This way, you can first follow the news in your native language to get a general understanding of what’s happening around the world. This general knowledge of current events will help you understand more when watching the news in your foreign language and your anxiety level will drop significantly.

Yeah! Searching for the news channel of your choice would be the first step. Well, of course you can search for your own TV channel and choose any news service you like.

Any benefits of watching news on TV? So what’s in it for me?

Another good thing is that following the news will allow you to get used to both the sounds of a foreign language and the different accents. By following the news, you will usually get various speakers and newscasters who are speakers with good diction and pronunciation to follow. Also, the featured news will give you a good idea of ​​what’s going on in the country where the target language of your choice is spoken.

In addition, television news often has so-called news tickers (also known as “crawler” or “slide”) that are placed in the lower third of the television screen space on television news networks dedicated to presenting headlines. or news. News tickers often differ between television stations. For this case, Sky News always displays a black ticker with white text throughout the broadcast day. This ticker turns yellow with black text to highlight the latest news.

News tickers can also be a good source of new vocabulary for you, since while watching the news you can type all the new words that appear in the news. News broadcasting service on TV or Radio. When I started learning English (my first foreign language I wanted to learn) I tuned in to the latest news on BBC Radio. The thing about radio news is that it’s harder to follow as you don’t have visuals (images) to support your general understanding of the news that is presented in the TV news pictures. In fact, you are exposed to sound; this can also improve your listening skills and the sounds of a foreign language and you are not distracted by pictures.

Very often radio news services also offer podcasts, MP3 files of the news that can be downloaded and listened to later. You can then play the downloaded recordings as many times as you like to better understand the news you might otherwise have missed.

Don’t have time to follow the regular TV news?

Hmm… there’s an option for you too. You can install an application that will help you follow the latest news on your computer, iPad or mobile phone (for example, Breaking News). It’s up to you to follow the news in the way you choose.

By admin

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