According to the CDC, in 2010 heart disease was the leading cause of death among Americans. While the numbers may have changed slightly, the fact is that heart disease is still one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

There is no doubt that good heart health is vital to a long life. The cardiovascular system can be complex, but its health can be improved naturally. Your lifestyle is the first defense against heart disease. Simple lifestyle changes that follow a holistic and natural plan will allow you to lead a long active life.

Let’s take a look at some heart-healthy lifestyle choices you can make today.

– Eliminate all refined sugars. Substitute with natural sweeteners like honey and molasses.

– Avoid oils from crops such as soybeans, corn, and canola. Instead, choose olive oil and rice bran oil for cooking. Sesame and coconut oil are good for salad dressings.

– Add nuts and plant sterols to your lunch or dinner. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart.

– Reduce sodium intake. Sodium can raise blood pressure levels, making the heart work harder.

– Avoid stress as much as possible. Determine what causes you the most stress and eliminate it from your life. Whether it’s the news, email, a job, a friend, or a family member, your life is more important than the stress these things cause.

Stress can increase blood pressure, heart rate, and the hormone cortisol. Reduce stress you can’t get rid of by listening to music, taking deep breaths, and taking short breaks often.

– Give up smoking forever. Smoking is a huge risk factor for heart disease. However, kick the habit and you will reduce your risk. If you can’t do it on your own, get help.

– A glass of alcohol a day for women can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Keep it limited to one glass, as more alcohol can cause high blood pressure.

– Read food labels carefully. to avoid trans fats, sodium, and hidden sugars.

– Add cayenne to your diet. Cayenne tea is effective in improving circulation and heart health.

– Stay active. Thirty minutes each day of exercise is necessary to monitor heart health. It helps lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and helps control weight. Activities like gardening, climbing stairs, cleaning, or just walking the dog count as exercise.

– Add some weight training to your exercise routine. Strength training reduces weight and increases muscle mass and endurance.

– Control your cholesterol levels and blood pressure with diet and medication if needed.

– Reduce blood sugar. Diabetes can cause major problems in the cardiovascular system, blocking blood vessels and accelerating atherosclerosis. Diet and medications can control blood sugar.

– Manage a healthy weight. Obesity and being overweight can aggravate most of the health problems that lead to cardiovascular disease. Lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise.

– Wash your hands frequently with water and soap. Infections and the flu can be hard on the heart.

– Count your blessings. Take time to find positive things to be thankful for each day. Positive emotions lead to less stress and worry.

– Add vitamin and mineral supplements. to improve heart health.

As you can see, these are easy to follow lifestyle changes that anyone can make.

Take a proactive approach to heart health. Instead of waiting until symptoms appear, start now before problems develop. Simple lifestyle changes can lead to a very healthy heart, a better mood, and an overall sense of well-being.

By admin

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