Constipation means different things to different people. For some, it could mean having irregular bowel movements, and it could also mean difficulty having a bowel movement, hard stools, or swelling after having a bowel movement. Dealing with constipation can be a miserable experience, but imagine having to deal with it for a long period of time. Those with leaky gut not only have to deal with chronic constipation, but also cramps, nausea, and a feeling of bloating.

To alleviate their symptoms, many resort to taking antidepressants, pain relievers, acupuncture, and especially laxatives. Those who resort to these methods do not experience any improvement in their health. Some even notice that their symptoms seem to get worse.

For one thing, taking pain relievers like antibiotics is actually killing the good and beneficial bacteria in your gut, while allowing harmful ones like yeast and fungi to flourish in their place.

Most people use laxatives to relieve constipation. A terrifying number trust him as their main source of relief. Did you know that the more you use laxatives, the more your colon depends on them? You are unknowingly weakening the walls of your colon by conditioning it to rely on laxatives.

Let’s take a look at some of the 3 common laxatives and why you should steer clear of them:

  • (Stimulant Laxatives) Dulcolax, Ex-Lax, Similar Alternatives: These laxatives work by stimulating the nerves in the colon and therefore forcing them to move. Unfortunately, they contain harsh chemicals and toxins that create inflammation and further damage and irritate the intestinal lining and intestines. A big drawback of this is that they weaken the intestinal and rectal muscles. He becomes so dependent on them that he can no longer evacuate without using them.

  • (Stool Softeners) Colace and Similar Alternatives: They work by making fat and water enter the stool, making it softer and easier to pass. They also contain harsh chemicals and toxins that create inflammation and further damage and irritate the intestines and intestinal linings. Like stimulant laxatives, they also create dependence to evacuate the intestines.

  • (Osmotic Laxatives) Epsom Salt, Milk of Magnesia, and Similar Alternatives – Like stool softeners, these work by forcing water into the stool to make it softer and easier to pass. The downside is that it forces a lot more water than usual into your stool, which can lead to dehydration and upset your electrolyte balance. Like stimulants and stool softeners, you can also become dependent on them.

Instead of using harmful laxatives, try stool bulking agents. These milder forms of laxatives do not contain harsh chemicals or toxins, and most importantly, they are non-addictive.

Food Intolerances, Probiotics, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Constipation – How They’re All Related.

A recent study shows that food intolerances are a common cause of chronic constipation. You become food intolerant when you eat a particular food that creates an autoimmune reaction within your intestines. The reaction creates inflammation, which then prevents you from properly digesting your food. If you continue to eat those particular foods, the undigested particles seep into your bloodstream and your body immediately rushes to rid itself of the intrusion. This leads to an overactive immune system, which then leads to autoimmune diseases.

Food intolerances also lead to constipation, so to get rid of constipation and inflammation, and thus cure leaky gut, you need to identify the foods you are intolerant to and stop eating them. These foods can vary from person to person, but common intolerant foods are wheat, pasteurized dairy products, soybeans, sugar, white table salt, and artificial sweeteners.

Let’s go back to pain relievers and how people use them to relieve constipation. Remember how I said that pain relievers kill good bacteria? Well, since your good bacteria are gone, you will need to replenish them and this is where probiotics shine. Probiotics are microorganisms similar to the good bacteria found in your gut. This is probably the only supplement I would suggest using because it balances the intestinal tract, decreases allergic reactivity, and prevents the reproduction of bad bacteria (yeast, fungi, toxins, etc.).

What’s equally good is that there is evidence to show that a probiotic drink containing beneficial bacteria called Lactobacillus casei Shirota, or a placebo, has been shown to improve constipation severity and stool consistency.

Some important tips to help overcome constipation:

  • Drink lots and lots of water. This cannot be stressed enough. This is especially important for those who drink sugary and caffeinated beverages on a daily basis. Dehydration is another cause of constipation, so be sure to drink adequate amounts of water every day to keep your body full.

  • Eliminate your food intolerances like cereals and dairy products. One of the causes of constipation is horrible diet choices, so be sure to replace your food intolerances with a balanced diet that contains meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

  • Make probiotics an important part of your diet. Make sure to include it in your daily regimen.

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