Your body has an amazing and complex system that helps you fight disease. It is also sensitive to what you think, feel and imagine. It doesn’t matter if your thoughts are about what happened in the past, what is currently happening, or what you fear will happen.

The thoughts and emotions that make up your daily life change the chemical composition of your body. If the infection-fighting cells in your body decrease, you will be more susceptible to disease. If the cells increase, you will be better able to fight infections.

Happy thinking… happy feeling… increased ability to ward off infection.

Angry thought…chemicals to fight bacteria and viruses decrease.

Joyful thinking…better ability to stay healthy.

If you are one of those who think sad, angry or negative thoughts most of the day, you are weakening your immune system. It can be clinically shown that the body’s infection-fighting chemicals are decreased.

Changing what you think is one of the most important ways to stay healthy. The pleasant emotions that come from positive thoughts can produce a general sense of well-being.

When you continually repeat a negative message, “You are so stupid,” feelings of unworthiness, anger, and despair arise. These feelings trigger a chemical reaction in your body, making it more likely that you’ll catch a cold if someone sneezes on you.

How do you change your thought patterns?

Think life-enhancing thoughts to replace life-draining ones. It is easy? No, but it’s simple.

First, you need to “catch” yourself involved with the thoughts you don’t want. As he pays attention to his thoughts, he will “get caught” more quickly.

Second, replace negative thoughts with pleasant, positive thoughts.

For this step, have an internal “file” of pleasant thoughts to refer to. The most powerful substitutions are positive events in your life. Select a few of them and say to yourself: “When I have negative thoughts, I will remember the colors of the sunrise when I was in Hawaii.” It doesn’t matter what the event is, just make it positive.

If you find it difficult to find good memories, do a mental activity that breaks your current negative thought pattern. You can repeat the multiplication tables, name an animal for each letter of the alphabet or say a prayer.

Just find something different to fill your mind.

Yes, it will take time to change the habit of negative thinking, but it has great benefits. Your immune system will be stronger and you will be happy.

By admin

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