How do you cut fast? Here are 4 tips to make this happen:

#1) Pay attention to what you eat

The “Michael Phelps approach” (eat what you want, when you want) might work for him, but not for 99% of everyone else.

What is the RIGHT way to eat?

First you have to increase the FREQUENCY of food consumption. Try to eat 6 to 8 times a day, although try at least 4 if this is not realistic.

But you must eat the RIGHT foods. Simply eating junk food is only going to cause even more damage.

What are the right foods to lose weight fast?

Rice, beans, fruits and vegetables are the ideal sources of calories. And they’re great because they require very little energy from your digestion system, leaving MORE ENERGY for your workout.

What about the protein?

This is best achieved through lean meats such as fish. Avoid red meat, beef, and other common “fatty” protein sources you see in bodybuilding magazines.

#2) NEVER train to fail

I know you’ve seen this in bodybuilding magazines: do “one set to failure” for every workout. It is touted by many as the best way to gain tissue mass.

But you do NOT need tons of protein: 60 grams or less in many cases is more than enough. Just don’t tell the “protein supplement” companies that I said that.

In fact, it is one of the WORST.

Why? Because it simply does NOT enact enough muscle fiber for serious muscle gains.

The only way to get results is to put as many muscle fibers into action as possible. How can that happen with just one series?

#3) Get enough rest

This advice gets redundant so I hardly mention it, but the truth is that your sleep schedule will make the difference between being fit or not. you should get a minimum 8 hours a night: this is how to cut fast.

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