Different things motivate different people. For some people it is the threat of punishment if something is not done. For others, it is the promise of an award that awaits them after hard work. Or it can be something simple, like changing one’s state or focus. One of the best motivational quotes I’ve heard in a long time is “How many summers do you have left?”

This line was shared with me by a friend who will be taking a full month of vacation this summer to be with his family, not to “do” anything and just “be” with them. Knowing that this friend has a busy schedule as CEO, I was very curious to know how he managed to have so much free time, and I asked him about it.

He said that years ago he had a mentor who practiced this same annual ritual, of taking a month-long vacation with his family, and he had the same question of how it was possible.

His mentor’s response changed his life. It was: “How many more summers do you think you have left to enjoy?”

That question inspired my friend to change everything, because he has a wife, children, and grandchildren. That question put him in touch with how much they mean to him and how much he wants to spend quality time with them.

Although I do not have a wife or children, this question struck me as well, because there are many things that I am passionate about and I am over 60 years old. I have a burning desire to inspire other people, so that their lives can be better. I feel like this is my life purpose and I don’t know how long I have to fulfill it.

Try it yourself:

“How many more summers do I think I have left to …”

… do something you’ve secretly wanted to do your whole life

… don’t worry about what might happen

… start the business of your dreams

… lose weight

… go to a retreat

… write a book

… trip

… etc …

And then follow your heart.

Don’t let other people stop you from doing what you have chosen.

What if the person holding you back is yourself? If dedicating a month to your passion seems ridiculous and unattainable, it probably won’t happen! The secret to making this real is to feel, visualize and know that it is real. You must be so sure that it will happen, that for you there is no other option. When you have this clarity, the universe will make it possible.

By admin

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