When it comes to dogs and their desire to dig pretty big holes in the garden, it’s hard to imagine that you can train your dog where to dig and on one side of the coin it’s often thought that dogs should be allowed to continue digging. as, after all, it is in a dog’s nature and nothing should stop them from doing what they do best. The flip side of this coin is that as much as they crave this type of behavior, there is absolutely no place in any garden for a dog of any shape, size, or breed to engage in this erratic pastime that they seem to cherish so much. , especially when those rosebuds took so much time and hard work to grow. I am in favor of a compromise, as I believe that with a little supervision and handling, you can train your dog where to dig his hole, in harmony with watching the garden grow and that just because a dog wants to express himself naturally, it does not mean having to completely destroy the flower beds in the process.

If you’re wondering if some dogs tend to dig more than others, it’s a known fact that certain breeds are more prone to this behavior and you want to have a vested interest in preventing a dog from digging. in your backyard, it would be wise to stay away from Nordic breeds, such as certain members of the Spitz breed, and also Malamutes and Huskies. Terriers are another type of dog that has shown a special interest in digging holes. By the way Terrier comes from the Latin word terrarium, which means “of the earth”, so that tells you something. Although these breeds govern the likelihood of a dog wanting to dig, it’s not set in stone, but it’s possible to train your dog where to dig, regardless of breed.

There are a number of reasons why a dog feels compelled to dig, but here are a few of them:

  • The need to broaden your horizons. Sometimes a backyard just isn’t enough room for a dog, no matter how big the yard is, and his only consolation is knowing what lies beyond that fence. It is the adventure of discovering what draws him to such a naughty activity.
  • Separation anxiety. When you’re on one side of the fence and the dog is forced to stay on the other, you discover that a straight line is the shortest distance between you and the dog and strategy comes into play when deciding which direction to take the den. . square.
  • Boredom. This can make a dog do a number of things, but digging a hole is high on their priority list. A dog needs to feel that he has a purpose in life, a rewarding job to do that is interesting, keeping his mind occupied and avoiding total frustration.
  • Lack of exercise. If a dog isn’t allowed to walk healthily and vigorously, for at least forty-five minutes a day, he needs a way to burn off all that extra nervous energy, so digging a big hole seems to be the way to deal with this.

Some of the more obvious reasons dogs dig can be treated quite easily, such as your dog not getting enough physical activity. That being the case, simply take him for longer walks more often. If your dog gets bored easily, leave him extra toys to play with or things to chew on while you’re away. For those dogs that have the uncanny ability to escape whatever solitary confinement you can offer them, put them in a crate for a while or keep them indoors where they are not likely to leave the premises. There are still some dogs that, despite your best efforts, dig holes simply for their own enjoyment. For these characters a more subtle approach is required:

  • Let nature work in your favor. If your dog is completely destroying your flower beds, plant the kind of flowers that offer their own protection, like roses; they have thorns that most dogs would think twice about messing with, and deep roots, just one more thing they have to worry about.
  • Access may be restricted. One of the best ways to deal with a dog’s digging habit is to supervise him in the garden; he will not be given the opportunity to dig.
  • Another deterrent offered by nature is a dog’s aversion to digging around poop, even those dogs that eat it (a condition called coprophagia). A very effective approach is to leave some of this on purpose in strategic areas of the yard where he is likely to want to dig; will avoid it at all costs. It’s not particularly nice for you, but at least it works!
  • Spray it with water. Dogs generally don’t like to get wet, so turning on the hose and giving him a cold shower may be the answer when you see him digging in a place you know he shouldn’t be digging at all.
  • Lay chicken wire. If it is placed near the fence or in other places where your dog is likely to dig, after a few tries he will get the message and will not dig there again; just make sure it’s buried deep enough that it won’t be visible; an inch or two below the surface should be fine. It takes a bit of time, but it’s worth the effort.

Having said all this, a dog is still a dog after all and there is nothing that is going to change that and if he feels that digging a hole is absolutely necessary, he will go to great lengths to achieve it. Before embarking on many time-consuming methods to keep him from doing what he loves to do, try redirecting his digging habit to a more appropriate area of ​​the garden. It’s perfectly natural for a dog to want to dig, just as it’s quite normal for you not to want him to, so why not compromise? Select a corner of the yard and dedicate it to the dog and only the dog. That way, once he realizes digging for him should only be done in that corner, he’ll treat it like his own and know he can do whatever he wants there and feel quite safe and at home. t be scolded for the things he does there. It is up to you, of course, to make it known in no uncertain terms that under no circumstances should you dig anywhere other than in your own corner of the garden – you will soon learn how!

Not everyone can afford to gift an entire corner of the garden to their dog. In this case, a litter box is the answer. You can buy one or even make one; It’s not that hard to do, just make sure it’s deep enough for him to dig. Place it in an appropriate part of the garden and fill it with a combination of soil and sand, then put some grass or leaves on top of it if you prefer, and bury some of those tasty marrows you like, in the sandbox and start scratch. there to show you what it’s for. Once you know what to expect to find inside, you’ll want to check back as often as you can to see what’s new. Give him a treat when he starts digging in there, as this will encourage him even more. The important thing to remember here is that even though you have become familiar with your new litter box, you must realize that all other parts of the yard are off-limits when it comes to digging. Some initial yelling and scolding may be to reinforce your point of view. You will soon understand.

For more information on other types of antisocial behavior the dog tends to engage in, see Secrets of dog training. It’s what every responsible dog owner needs, a detailed and practical reference, full of tips and tricks for raising a well-balanced, happy and healthy dog: from obedience work to problem behaviors and dog psychology. Secrets of dog training has it all.

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