My friend is on the candida diet and recently experienced a whole host of candida kill effects. It’s from taking Candistroy that she bought online. She works very well, and the package she received not only contained the Candistroy, but also came with a probiotic reconstructor that is taken at the same time.

I too used the Candistroy off and on for 2 years. It works and costs a bit. I agree that it is strong and so hard to swallow that my throat hurts. I take them and then drink Georgies Aloe Vera Juice (4oz) to soothe my throat. I change my fungus killers from time to time trying to outwit the fungus. It’s been in me for so long.

I have had many improvements since I started my diet changes. My digestive system is great now but sticks to diet without wheat, eggs, yeast (vinegar), fermented foods and drinks. I limit dairy products to an 8 oz glass of milk per day, as it is not good for yeast infections. But, my foods are so limited with allergies so i drink it anyway. I exercise every day and give myself weekly injections. Avoidance helps me a lot. It’s a little hard to do, because wheat and vinegar are in everything. But now I am having bowel movements regularly and comfortably. I think it was slowly killing me by feeding the yeast inside me. I still have sugar cravings, but I don’t partake because I know the bad effects it has.

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